Oceanlog 1.x data question

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Louisville, KY
# of dives
100 - 199
I have an Atom 1 and therefore am stuck with Oceanlog 1.x. Unfortunately when I started downloading dives from the DC to my computer long ago, I failed to fully comprehend that the default download setting is to append new dives to the beginning of the database. This would be fine if the software truly sorted from oldest to newest but it doesn't. This method causes each grouping of multi-day dives to be downloaded in oldest to newest. I always thought this was backward but just accepted it as the peculiar nature of the s/w.

I now realize that in the download module of the s/w there is an option to have the new data appended to the end of the database (wish I noticed that 75 dives ago). I would like to rebuild my database and get dives in order but can’t seem to figure out how.

The data appears to be stored in a .DLG file which I cannot figure out how to open/edit and exporting the dives appears to have to be done one at a time and puts a block of descriptive data above a header row which screws up the ability to import into a standard table in order to import into my wife’s Oceanlog 2.x. It also appears that 1.x cannot import a data file.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. And apologies if this has been asked before but I certainly couldn’t find it. Thanks!


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