Oceanic Aerdura

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Knight Scublar
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Upstate NY
# of dives
200 - 499
Seems like a great suit, and Simplyscuba will get it to me shipped for under $800.

Does anyone have anything bad to say about it?

A couple of divers in my club have them and seem to really like them. The only problem I have been told is they take a while to loosen up due to the material they are made from (their description was feels like you're diving in cardboard for the first few dives).

I have an Oceanic Flex 2000 and can't praise it enough. It is well made and I particularly like the integrated ankle weight pouches (so I can wear less than a full ankle weight in each leg) and the braces which keep the suit up when you are walking around with the suit undone/stripped off to your waist.


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