Observational test

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Raleigh, NC
See if you can find out what's wrong with this picture!

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Make sure you have your sound up because it will give you audio clues. I know the picture is small but I couldn't get it any bigger. You may have to get kind of close to the screen to see it.
There's nothing wrong with the picture.

However, there seem to be some articles in the arrangement of the furniture, et al that are improperly positioned/used, etc. Seems to be a perfectly good picture to me.
Are we talking about the door not being able to open as the sofas are in the way, the computer desk is backed up to the wall with screens facing the wall, many sofas arm to arm (looks like a furniture store), cabling running across the floor - trip hazard and a nasty blue decor??

I havent got sound on my work computer, so have no idea about the audible clues. Also there is an annoying pop-up about spyware! ;)
I think the colors a bit off too
Er...make sure you study the picture for atleast 45 seconds and don't look away. Audio helps...you'll see (or hear) what I mean.

<scampers away>
i was looking at the screen really closely counting all the things that were wrong with the picture when - that - happened and i hit my face on the screen. hehe i'm a loser.

study it hard for a minute, trust me its there.
frightened the bejeesus outta me - and i've seen somethin similar b4 !!

Damn pacemaker skipped a beat, Dont worry though when i got up off the floor i was still breathing -- just!!. LOL
I almost felt guilty posting this but I saw it when I was working customer service for a video game company.

My friend was sitting beside me and I had been staring at the screen getting closer and closer trying to figure out what was wrong with it.

When it happened, I stood up from the computer grabbing my chest. I screamed so loud my friend started screaming along with me, he thought I was having a heart attack.

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