Number of divers / Month??

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Hey. Just wondering, how many divers come down and dive in Cozumel / month? I read in another post that approximetally 2 divers meet the other side each month and am just wondering how busy this place really is? I'm going to be going in August for 2 weeks and its my first time diving down there. I guess I'm just curious to get a really rought percentage on dive fatalitties. Also, does anyone know how often people get bent down there because they dive for so many days in a row? Thanks for the replies!

Some of the locals can tell you excact figures, but it is busy!
When we stayed at Fiesta Americana, we didn't dive one morning and we watched the onslaught of boats racing south toward the reefs. It was incredible. Rush hour on the sea. Many many boats loaded with 2 to 20 divers zipping by for about 45 minutes.

As far as the dive experience goes. Yes we saw groups of other divers on the same reefs at the same time, but only occasionally. If you splash early from a fast boat, or splash a bit later, there are no other people until you surface and look around at all of the other boats.

I know that people get bent, and that there are accidents, but I think that it is low as a percentage. It seems like more people are injured and killed on Mo-Peds in Coz!
No matter the answer, statistics are just that - statistics. The easiest way NOT to become one is to remember your training and take responsibility for yourself. Don't dive if you are uncomfortable and think safety at ALL times.
72% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

.3% of Cozumel divers get the bends

I stayed at Scuba Club Cozumel and they have 6 or 8 boats. We were a group of 18 so we had our own boat all week and there were 0% injuries/bends/anything beyond sunburn. for those boats. And we did not here or see anything either.

The bends are preventable, all you have to do is not dive past chart limits and do a simple 20 foot 3 min saftey stop. To be extra safe, if you don't have a dive computer, rent one from you LDS for the week. Also our DM's did not want us below 100 feet and were strict on that, but truthfully most of the fish and coral are 30-70 feet anyway. So don't worry, go have fun.
The bends are preventable, all you have to do is not dive past chart limits and do a simple 20 foot 3 min saftey stop. To be extra safe, if you don't have a dive computer, rent one from you LDS for the week. Also our DM's did not want us below 100 feet and were strict on that, but truthfully most of the fish and coral are 30-70 feet anyway. So don't worry, go have fun.

Oh my friend, you have so much to learn if you truly think that's all you have to do to prevent the bends. Read these threads for starters, and then let us know what you think.
The simple answer to how may divers there are in Coz a month is...A LOT!!! Gee, maybe that's because it's one of the best places to dive in the world!!
I rarely see groups from other boats while on the reef though, with the staggered pickup times, (my op picks us up at 7:30 some don't pick up unitl as late as 9:00) and different amount of pick up stops the boats make at the resorts, the time that individual groups hit the water varies, this seems to help keep everyone seperated pretty well. not always, but it helps.

The number of divers isn't really the problem, it's the number of divers that don't follow the rules that's the real question and that statistic will never be taken.

For your own personal safety make sure you:
1.) dive with a reputable dive operator, the best in Coz are constantly being recommended here.

2.) FOLLOW THE DM'S INSTRUCTIONS!! this seems to be a major problem with some people. I've seen and heard of so many people that just think they know more than the DM and do whatever thay want once they are in the water. these guys dive these waters every day! I think they know more about what's going on there than you do.

3.) always know the name of the boat you are diving off of, just in case you do get seperated or mixed up with another group. that way if you do happen to get mixed up iwth another group, DON'T PANIC, just continue the dive, watch your dive time and air in case they came down later than you did and when you surface let the DM know what boat you should be on and the Captain will radio your boat and they will come get you.
of course one of the best ways of not getting seperated is stay with your buddy and keep YOUR DM, in eye shot.

4.) I feel it's a good idea to review your dive tables even if you are using a computer, it never hurts to go back to the basics every now and then, and if you are using a compter, KNOW HOW TO READ IT! just owning one won't keep you safe.

5.) Safety first, this was drilled into me as a dive student many years ago and is still my #1 rule. I'm not sure it is stressed as much as it should be by many of today's instructors. I've personally witnessed people doing thier checkout dives in Cozumel and have noticed many things the instructor should have given them for last minute instructions and didn't.

6.) don't worry about how many fatalities a dive destination has a month, just make sure you don't become one yourself. remember everything you learned getting you certification and review it often.

Ok, off the soap go on vacation and have good time!!

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