Nrew Opinions on DiveRite 500 LED?

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Any current opinions on the Dive Rite 500 lumen LED? In the middle of a several year long upgrade and switching from my Ikelite Modulars and homemade NiCd lights to something more compact and less trouble prone. Primary use is night diving, minor wreck penetration, dark water, no cave diving BS (wink).

OBTW, these are apparently on sale from DRExpress, complete kit, all accessories and a case for 399.

I'm a new LED500 owner, having recently taken advantage of the aforementioned deal that DiveRite Express is offering.

I was also looking at it for similar reasons to yours, i.e. as a general-purpose dive light, not specifically for big-time light usage like cavers need, but for peeking under reefs and ledges, minor wreck penetration, night dives, and an occasional cavern. So I wanted something configurable either as a standard handheld or canister/Goodman-style.

I have only used mine a few times since purchasing, but I've already tried both configurations and I think you'll find it perfect for these kinds of applications. And the battery life seems to be great as advertised: after about 8 hours of use, I am still not noticing any decrease in output.

Minor gripe: I do wish it were a little easier to mount the head to the Goodman handle in canister mode. The design requires a small-point Philips driver to accomplish, making it more difficult than I think it needs to be to switch modes - given how easy it is to convert the light itself.

Also, the supplied velcro-topped holster fits well and is usable for both modes, although when used as a handheld I am a little worried it could slip out unbeknownst to me and am thinking of ways in which I could tether it.

Like any general-purpose piece of gear, it's not as well-suited for specialized applications, but it seems to do what it does for the kinds of purposes you & I are discussing well and reliably.

>*< Fritz
I dive with several people who have the 10w HID, I just recently purchased the HID 1000. Scuba Toys has it on sale for 599.00 (light, charger, goodman handle, and case). For what its worth, if you are looking at the two side by side, the HID 1000 screams compared to the 10w. Also it is focusable. Very easy to do adjust the focus underwater, even when wearing dry gloves. I am a little biased, but still very happy I spent the extra money and got the 15w.

Of couse there is the down side that it cant be converted to handheld, but hey, I was diving with a handheld light prior and the goodman handle was the one of the main reasons that I went the can light route.

You will be happy with either one, if you would like to give the other divers a good case of "light envy", go with the 15w.

Hope this helps,
Hi James, its been a while hope youre doing ok Happy New Year etc..I have owned the LED500 for just over a year, I use it mainly for OW rec diving. Ive never had any problems with it, it is very bright, I cannot confirm 12 hours on full battery life but I have run mine for at least 8 with no noticable drop off in power. I would recommend one although not so sure about the corded option, I bought that option used it that way once found the cord annoying and went back to using it in "flash light form". Anyway yeah get one...
Thanks, I did order one. I cannot believe that I spent 400 dollars on a flashlight--lol. Oh well. I was not and am not big on the cord thingy either but since the kit comes all together for less than the light used to cost alone I figured WTH. Maybe I can eBay the cord.

Someone was bragging about their HID somethinganother till I flipped the old Super Light on high beam and let them see the water boil. But this cute little light should be better than hauling all of those humongous things around since I would be charged overweight baggage just for one Super Light--lol.

I had this homemade cave light that used a 50 watt landing light. I had turned it of to experience total darkness. When I flipped it back on it exploded in a brilliant and ear splitting flash that left us all totally blinded and seeing spots for what seemed like forever. It was kinda funny as we swam around in disarray bumping into each other, running into the walls and tangling the line. Maybe there is something to be said for today's little effeminate lights. Hooohhrahhhhhhhhhh.

Thanks, hope it was money well spent.

N, if it cannot explode when you pull the trigger where is the fun?

Epilogue: I think the lens must have cracked leaking in a little bit of water and then when I hit the trigger the water droplets flashed to steam resulting in a fairly sizable explosion.
Received the light in three days from Dive Rite Express. Initial impressions are that it is a well designed and made piece of gear. All parts show a quality finish as would be expected of a 400 dollar flashlight--cripes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Popped in a set of Duracells from an 8 cell pack and twisted the head and on came the light, no rocket science or voodoo tricks required. No weird magnetic switches, twist on and twist off, simple and efficient and sure.

Light output is about what I expected, not a Modular Super Light or my homemade light cannon but what do you expect from three sissy LEDs? Kidding aside, it is plenty bright IMO for a night diving light and a light for limited penetrations, cavern exploration etc. For a main cave light, I would prefer something more but this would be an excellent and rugged back up especially considering how compact the unit is.

The remote "can" option and mesh pocket look like they should work fine. I will not get it into the water for a few weeks yet and then it will not be a good test, clear tropical water, yawn. It will probably be until June when I do a few deep solo in a Missouri lake to look for more of the "lost town" BS and an alleged mine tunnel before I get to use it under truly adverse conditions.

I own 2 of them, and I ended up returning one for service but the issue was minor and only cost a bit of shipping to repair.

My big issue now is dive rite no longer makes/sells the soft goodman handle. I have 1 light with and 1 light without which kinda sucks. I mostly intend to run them without the cord anymay so its not a huge deal.

The other issue I had was no option of getting a rechargable pack with the light, you can get rechargable batteries on your own dime but a pack would have been my preference. I suppose as soon as I go by a pile of batteries then dive rite will release a special a pack designed for it.

the light is small and compact and seems to work well for a variety of used, I have even attached the light head to my aga with some degree of success.
You know, while I have not yet done so with this light, I believe Radio Shack used to have that same holder. I am sure it is a generic item. I plan to get some LiI cells of the correct capacity, probably Enneloops, make my own pack and then use my multi-charger to charge the pack. Done dealio. Thing is that mine seems to burn forever at a high output on copper tops. I am not sure rechargeables are cost effective for this light for normal use. I kind of like the handle that came with mine, all for 399. Such a deal.

I plan to get some LiI cells of the correct capacity, probably Enneloops...

Let us know how that works out. I can't find the link right now, but I know I saw a document or post about the LED500 somewhere online saying the batteries for it are important in that they have to be able to sustain a certain current flow, recommending standard alkaline batteries like Duracells and not their counterparts designed for long life like Duracell Ultra.

However, the article mentioned nothing about Lithiums. I would think non-rechargable lithium batteries would be able to sustain even higher discharge rates, although I doubt it would be any brighter because the voltage is the same. Not sure about lithium rechargeables.

Anyway, I'm still on my first set of coppertops so I think you may be correct that rechargeables might not be worth it for this light.

>*< Fritz

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