Now I'm even wetter behind the ears....

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Bowling Green,Ky
And I'm certified!! Diving is just the most fun thing I have done in ...ever! It doesn't take much to hook ya, huh?!
Did my check out dives in a quarry that claims to be the "Clearest water in Ky". I think I have been swamp diving now.So this is what you guys in Tx. see in it. I have now SEEN such wonders as ,"My hand in front of my face".

You were all so wonderful and supportive. I was really excited about that, then I got on-site with divers I had never met before.Now I know that I love diving and I love divers.

Syruss, I did think of you in particular and I'll have you know that I only thought of the "idiot" as I entered the water from the rock wall that was way too high and scary.

What a blast!!

Thanks you guys.
My first "blue water" dive is going to be in your neighborhood, sort of. I'm doing Destin second week of Oct.They can't fiqure out where all this enthusiasum comes from at work.

I would leap tall buildings in a single bound to make sure I was able to leave work for Destin on time.
Welcome to the craziest bunch of folks (divers that is) I've ever had the pleasure of running into. Your enthusiasm will only grow by leaps and bounds. :D
Originally posted by silverfish
Syruss, I did think of you in particular and I'll have you know that I only thought of the "idiot" as I entered the water from the rock wall that was way too high and scary.

What a blast!!

Thanks you guys.

I told you that you were doomed, once you take the plunge (pun intended) there is no going back. Hell if my bathtub were deeper I would dive in it on the weeks I cannot go diving! There is no experience in the world to compare with this... well maybe one but this is a Family board

Keep On Bubbling!

Congratulations on getting certified!!
Now you can forget about [red]ever[/red] having any extra money that you don't know what your gonna do with!!(but it's worth evry penny):D:


Allow me to add my congratulations to the many others you are receiving for your accomplishment. You are now deeply involved in an activity you will enjoy for the rest of your life (Sorry, couldn't resist).

I have been certified since the mid 70s, and only recently returned to diving after an 18-year layoff. Imagine my joy at finding the wonder is still there, just as exciting as it was way back when.

Enjoy Destin. I will look forward to reading about your diving experiences there.

Tavi, clearly you are correct about the money.LOL IE: Today I purchased some birthday gifts for my favorite and only baby sister and as I checked out I thought....I could've gotten a new mask for that $$.

I am trying hard to be sensible about what gear to go ahead and purchase and what level of quality to go for.I feel like I am in this for life, but I have to remember that I have only logged five dives and they were all in good conditions.Then again, the visibilty was pretty poor there and I loved it.So, I can only imagine how I will feel once I hit the ocean. Plus I have decided to take the next class asap AND I am already thinking VERY seriously about a trip to Bon Ayr in Apr.(Here we go with the money thing again.)Any tips to an over anixious newbie??

Warren, WELCOME BACK!! You must let me know if it's like .."riding a bicycle,"..Did it come right back to you? How long have you been back and how many dives till now?Bring us up to speed so we can urge you onward.

Seems to me that is really what this group is all about.
Let get togather and dive soon. We locals have to stick togather.


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