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Scuba Instructor
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Scuba Diving International says NO to Higher Operating Costs and Can Improve YOUR Bottom Line!

So you are looking to the year ahead and asking yourself : “How can I make more money in this business?”

It is no secret when it comes to operating any business it is not just how much you produce in revenues (Sales) it is also how well you manage your expenses (Cost of Goods Sold and Operating Expenses) that determine your bottom line (Profit Before Taxes).

Regardless of economic pressures the drill has always been the same, increase sales, manage costs and keep more of your hard earned money at your year end! Well somewhere along the line did you ever notice that certain vendors tell you they want to become your partners but constantly increase the cost of their goods often charging for the right to “do business with them” for the same services others are willing to give you for FREE.

If you feel that it is time to turn the tables and make sure you are getting your fair share, chances are you already are a dive Retailer Member of one of these agencies or a Retailer that has been keeping an eye on the family of agencies Scuba Diving International™ (SDI™), Technical Diving International™ (TDI™) and Emergency Response Diving International™ (ERDI™) knowing you are going to make the “switch” but not knowing when or how.

It has never been simpler to join SDI™, TDI™ and ERDI™ then right now! Make 2010 a more successful and profitable year for your facility as you increase your profits with quality products and stable prices. We can help you sell more gear and travel to divers who come to you for their education. Consumer feedback tells us that these individuals are more comfortable in the water and more active divers which means they will seek out more con-ed.

How can we say this? It really is simple; SDI™, TDI™ and ERDI™ view themselves as a solution to your training challenges. Three agencies under one roof mean superior support for you regardless of your focus, Sport, Tech or Public Safety. The savings and increased value are immediate as you pay only one membership fee as an Instructor yet are certified to teach in one or all three agencies as your qualifications may allow. And remember YOU NEVER PAY A FACILITY FEE, yet you truly benefit from making a commitment to the group by earning increased discounts as you dedicate more of your efforts to teaching SDI™, TDI™ and ERDI™ programs. What’s more: our agencies will NEVER try to dictate to YOU who you can do business with; after all it is your Facility!

So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of the profitability that is available to you by remaining a member of Scuba Diving International™ (SDI™), Technical Diving International™ (TDI™) and Emergency Response Diving International™ (ERDI™) or becoming one as soon as possible.

The family of Scuba Diving International™ (SDI™), Technical Diving International™ (TDI™) and Emergency Response Diving International™ (ERDI™) has a long and proud list of industry firsts and here are just a few:

* In Store C-Card and Diploma Printing (unparalleled customer satisfaction and the most profit for you!)
* Leaders in presenting onLine academics for SDI courses including DM, AI and OWSI! (Highest consumer acceptance as a leader in the field!)
* Ground-breaking programs such as SDI SOLO and TDI Intro-to Tech (Huge market penetration potential!)
* First to offer PSD teams globally recognized educational programs and full insurance
* Use of Personal Dive Computers for ALL sport-level divers as a default
* Programs to introduce youngsters to the joy and adventure of diving (Future Buddies!)
* Wide access to a full-range of advanced courses including Trimix through TDI (Since 1994!)

And keep an eye on us as there will be more of them coming your way in 2010. And the best part of all of these innovations is that they are Member-Driven / Generated, in other words a member tells us what they we go to work on it!

So if you’re an industry veteran that longs for what relationships use to be or a new comer that realizes the value of learning from the mistakes of others… you are invited to come join our family NOW!

Scuba Diving International™ (SDI™), Technical Diving International™ (TDI™) and Emergency Response Diving International™ (ERDI™) are a call away (207-729-4201) or email National Sales Manager

Please note:
The pricing discussed in this article reflects those of SDI, TDI, ERDI head office in Maine, USA and the regions it serves. All Regional Offices strive to maintain competitive pricing in their market; however, some differences may be inevitable do to global exchange rates and shipping. Please contact your local or international representative for more information.

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