alexdiver:Responses welcomed
Well..... This unfortunate (and sadly not uncommon) practice is bound to get the thrashing it deserves.
Part of it is clearly the fault of the DM. It shows bad judgment. Correct procedure is to plan the dive and dive the plan. A DM should always be prepared for the heavy-breathers and procedures for ending the dive early (at different times) should be part of the the briefing. Clearly a DM who ties him/her-sefl up with air-sharing with someone during the dive is no longer in a position to adequately supervise the rest of the group. If something else should happen then the s-hit would really hit the fan, wouldn't it!
One has to wonder, however, what would motivate a DM to do something like that.... In my mind the operator isn't entirely beyond suspicion either. It could be--for example...and this is pure speculation--that the DM doesn't get paid for people the operator has to reimburse. It's possible that if a dive like that gets totally derailed, for whatever reason, that the DM may not get paid at all and for the wages most DM's make we could be talking about the difference between eating and not eating. Night dives also pay better in a lot of places so the DM in question could have been all the more motivated to keep the train moving.
This is all speculation but it does give you an idea of what *could* have been going through his mind.