Not Dive Pics but...

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Yea, so these are not Dive shots...but I am trying to learn how to use the camera and all of it's settings....

I took these today of our rose garden in the backyard.

Settings for this one: ISO100, F13, Exposure:1/100, Shutter:1/101, Original Size 1600x1200, edited w/ Photoshop.

I may have some pics of our amazing "King Fischer Pond" I am gonna go help cert a rescue diver..and maybe, if there is any vis...get a few shots...

Also, any tips / tricks / advice highly welcome!

This photo taken in same garden, different

Settings: ISO100, F4, Expos:1/320, Shutter:1/318, original size 1600x1200, edited w/ Adobe Photoshop.

Your Roses are sooooo pretty! They make me smile, I needed to take time to "smell" the Roses today, thanks!
Nice roses. The yellow looks a little over exposed, while the red one is a little under exposed. Shooting a backlit subject (like the red rose) is always a little difficult. Since you've centered both subjects, try using center weighted metering next time.

is quite soft. If it was intentional then fine, but you may be too close for your lens. A macro adapter/lens may be in order here (or just clean the lens). You are also at the very low end of exposure limits... perhaps a faster ASA or a fill light would help. This really plays havoc with the contrast, which seems to be amplified by the focus effect. It makes it look kind of muddied. F4 does not afford much in the way of a depth of field either, which adds even more to the soft focus effect. Now these may be the effects you were going for, but I look for a certain clarity in sharpness and contrast when doing this type of photography. And for what it's worth, I am NOT a competent photographer by any means!
NetDoc once bubbled...
....And for what it's worth, I am NOT a competent photographer by any means!

You sure sound like one!
I got from Allen (or was it Jim?) Parrish in High School. He sponsored a photography oriented JA. I spent so much time in a darkroom back then. He really hated muddy pics, and I guess I picked up on that from him. I still dabble, but I never take my photography too seriously... perhaps you can refer to me as a "Stroke Photographer". :tease: Did you like that one I took of Jeff at Wreckmania II? I didn't control anything but the composition, but I did like the results.
You remember that far back? :eek:ut: :mean:

Yeah, I saw ya'lls pictures. The one you took of Geek Boy was really good.

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