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I'm a brand-new certified diver and still a little, er, anxious about it. Got certified with my s.o. in Belize last November, and we just dived last weekend in Puget Sound, which was great. But: the dive master who went with us yesterday told me she thought my mask leakage problem was due to my still using my nose to breathe while diving. Is this possible? I mean, I'm getting all my air from my mouth, but I think there's an unconscious reflex of my nose working too -- and if I follow all the advice about "forgetting about breathing," there's no way I'll be able to keep my nose from working.

I've looked in a few scuba books about this and haven't seen it specifically addressed. This dive master suggested I use my snorkel while watching TV to practice using my mouth only, and the thing is, I think I'm doing it, but probably my nose is breathing as well.

Is this a huge problem? And if so, what kinds of tips do folks have?

Beautiful Movie,

I do not understand! In order to equalize one's mask, one has to breathe through his/her nose occasionally. In addition, with 99.99% of dive equipment used by rec divers one has to breathe through a regulator situated directly in one's mouth: hence, one breathes in and out though one's mouth...and occasionally breathes out through one's nose to equalize the mask.

Please tell me what I am missing.

It sounds more like a mask fit problem...something which I have had lots of trouble with myself. Or it could be a leak around the lens or a tear in the mask skirt. your service if we can figure out what is going on...
Thanks for the encouragement -- sorry to be unclear. I don't really know what the problem is either. I'm definitely breathing thru my mouth in the reg, but I think my nose is working a little bit at the same time, maybe. This dive master said she watched me under water, having trouble clearing my mask a lot, and she said she thought it was because I was breathing, or trying to breathe, thru my nose.

Then my boyfriend, who's been diving for so many years it's truly second nature to him, said he thought if I *was* doing that, then it could be compromising the seal on the mask and allowing water to leak in.

So, I'm definitely breathing thru my mouth like I'm supposed to, but somehow my nose is still doing its thing in the mask, and apparently I have to figure out how to not have that happen (except when equalizing, I guess).

Does that make any sense? Maybe I just have to practice, practice, practice.
IMHO, it sounds, as joewr said, like a mask fit issue. I am also a nose breather. I find myself exhaling through my nose regularly and it hasn't caused excess leakage.

I do find that I have some leakage when I dive though because I am so happy to be diving that I can't stop smiling.

Chad...wishing they would invent a mask that seals up smile lines...

BTW welcome to the board, glad to have you in the asylum...i mean group.
La belle di cine,

You absolutely have to break the seal between your mask and your face to equalize your mask! The external pressure of the water can only be equalized in your mask if the seal is broken. When a mask fits properly, the skirt reseats and little or no water enters the mask because the flow of air is out and because there is a slight positive pressure generated in your mask when you breathe out through your nose.

I am now thinking that you must be breathing in through your mouth--the only way you could--and breathing out through your nose almost exclusively. I guess this could be a problem, but for the reasons cited above, I think that unlikely.

So, if there is not a leak between the body of your mask and the lens(es) or a tear in in the skirt, the fit of the mask is the problem.

Frequently new divers tend to tighten the mask straps too much. They think that makes for a better fit. It does not! It can "crush" the skirt of the mask against your face and make for wrinkles in the skirt that can leak. So, my first suggestion: loosen the mask strap until the mask is held firmly against your face, not tightly. I.e., no strangle holds needed.

If you still have a leak, try some different masks--frequently dive shops will let you try masks in their pool before you buy. Try asking to do that.

Oh, yes, one more thing: you have to get all your hair out form around the edges of your, hoods, etc. interfer with the seal. In fact, my predive checklist includes doing just that...

Joewr...still here to help...
Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state.

I think that the leakage problem could be one of two issues a) improper fit b) when you exhale to equalize or just what ever air goes out water comes in.

I suggest trying new masks for fit and try a purge valve I use a Ocean Master Z4 and haven't had a water problem unless I don't shave for week.

If I did not shave for a week, I could not breath through my nose after Barbara got through with me! But, I suspect that Belle is of the female persuasion and does not have that problem with her mask!

Not shave for a week! Wow! Not since I stopped backpacking!

Joewr--one of Gillette's best customers...
I knew that Belle is a woman I just added that the only leaking that I get from my mask is when I don't shave, I nose breath.

There was this lady I saw "Oh Lordy" The term from Monty Python Run away run away comes to mind

Being single has some advantages of course being unemployed has it's upside also.

Available to dive :)

Welcome to the Board! I see that as of this hour you are our newest member! And it looks like you already know how we can help to make scuba more fun...and, after all, that is what it is all about!

Sneak over to the Introduction and Greetings section and let everybody meet you!

Joewr...wondering if Cinebelle likes Italian movies???
I see that you have met a couple of our illustrious members! JoeW & Fishkiller are mostly harmless.

I am a frequent nose exhaler (aka Honker) & do not usually have trouble with mask leaking. I check my seal every time after I put on the mask & get hair & hood out of the way with a quick inhale (through my nose)... If I get no air then I know it is sealed.

I do hope that you will join us on a future scubaboard/neptune divers dive in the near future!!!


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