North Swamp dinner

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North Texas
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Well dinner was great.

Once the place figureded out what to do with a bunch of divers that wouldn't sit still, we had a great time.

ScubaTexan did a great job finding a place that could accomodate us and we could mingle easily.

Dee and Beast showed and it was great to see them again. Dee brought pictures and did a very improptu presentation on CoCo view.

Tropigal and hubby Mako were there. Mako is on the FG trip.

Other participants,

Jag and husband Flyer
Asta and husband Rich
CavernQT and non-diving husband Ed
Catch22 and wife Debbie
Truckdiver and wife Smonster
TwoBit (me)

I think that was it. if I forgot anyone plese forgive me.

Pics were taken, just not by me.

It was great to meet everyone!!

We had a fabulous time! I was hoping to get about 20 people out, and we got exactly 20! I think the only one you missed was a guy called Chris that I didn't get to meet. It was really great to see everyone there, especially Dee and Beast. I'm sorry Sealskin and his wife did not get to make it, but there will be other parties. Hopefully, we can do this again before too terribly long.

Thanks again for making it a special evening!

We set out from home around 6am and sort of strolled to Dallas. It was a cold 33º but promised to be clear and sunny. In no hurry, we stopped for breakfast before leaving town, for homemade jerky in Fairfield, several places on the side of the road for tree pictures, and got into town around 11:30am. The Motel 6 on 360 and Randol Mills road was nice and handy. I called ST and he came by to escort us to a couple of local dive shops. We met some really nice dive shop owners...sure wish they were a bit closer to home!

We easily found the Front Row Grill...just look for that big old baseball stadium (and have Ken drive by and point at it!). Everyone showed up shortly after we did. Sheila (SMonster) and Ken (TruckDiver) made the mistake of asking me about CoCo View, they are going in May. Poor things were bored for the next hour while I either ran my mouth or showed pictures. With Beast's eyes drooping, we left around 11pm for some Z's.

Asta...sorry we didn't call this morning but by 8:30 we were well on our way home.

We had a really good time and most of the folks there were new to us, I hope we can all get together more often. I took a few photos and you can see them here in the TSDT Album.

Thanks Ken and all the Northern Swampers for making us feel so welcome.

Dee and Beast
Dee once bubbled...
Thanks Ken and all the Northern Swampers for making us feel so welcome.

Happy to be of service :)
Ken, Thanks so much for initiating and organizing the get together. It was obvious that everybody had a good time and enjoyed the location as well as the company of friends.

I know there are some people that I didn't get a chance to talk to very much so we HAVE to do this again before too long. To all of those that I already met - it was wonderful seeing you always. And to the people I had not met before....what a treat to see you face to face and to be introduced to the ones that are important in your lives.

Ok...swampsters, please extend a big THANK YOU to those non-divers that came with you to this gathering of bubble addicts...a thanks for coming and for supporting the diver half of the relationship. And please extend a big welcome to come join us whenever we dive - because we can only stay underwater for so long and then it's time to eat, talk and joke around....and the more the merrier.

Dee, thanks for posting a few of my pics in with yours. And thanks to you and to all of those who gave me such great pointers and sources of info for working with photos both film and digital. I think I'll have to get PhotoShop after talking to everybody...may be more than I need...but hey, I'll use as much of it as I can to begin with and build on that.

SMonster & TruckDiver....aren't you sooooooo excited about CocoView after seeing Dee's pics and hearing us all rave about it? You're going to have a blast. We don't go until July but I can't stop thinking about it now.

I hope to see everybody soon and can't wait to dive with y'all this summer....

Dee - we will definitely make a trip down to Twin Lakes and will join y'all at Travis when you do that trip.
I agree...a big thank you to all non-diviing spouses and SO's for your support. Just because you don't breath underwater with us doesn't mean you aren't a cherished member of our little gang. We need you for encouragement, support, and chocolate at the end of a cold winters dive!

Thanks for putting up with our tunnel vision for diving, our single topic of conversation, our sometimes strang friends, wetsuits hanging in the shower to dry and smelly neoprene waiting to be deoderized. We couldn't do this without your help and support.
Hi to Everyone that we met and especially the ones that we knew!!

Kevin and I (sheila) had a wonderful time last Saturday night meeting everyone.

Sorry to be so late in posting, I'm installing new computers at my work and get really tired of being on the darn thing. :bonk:

Anyway, loved seeing the guys we know, Tom, Mike, Tabitha & hubby and Ken! (forgive me if I've left anyone out, I'm sure I have, I know we know more of you than that, I'm just pooped..) and we Thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone that showed up!

Special Thanks go to Dee!, Beast! and everyone that contributed to the CocoView Resort and Dive information!!:balloon:

We were'nt bored Dee, we absorbed every little bit of info you had!! You'll help our first trip there to be awesome!!!!! Thanks SOOOOO Much!!!!

We All must do this again soon!!!!

Sheila (smonster) and Kevin (truckdiver)


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