None of that Ya-Ya name stuff!

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Toronto, Ontario, Great White North
Check out this site, you guys. No "Princess This" or "Queen That"

Get your real name....your SPY NAME!!!!

And in case you care,

Ontario "Defiant" Diver

You play by your own rules and to heck with the consequences. Some might call you rogue, but you see yourself as a shade of gray refusing to be defined. Authority is for the weak and you will do everything in your power to overcome 'the Man'.

Vital Gear
Includes a black leather jacket, tattoo and brooding presence.

(Oh I am soooo cool!)
Dee "Dashing" Hinton

You save the innocent victim with such a flair that they almost forget to get out of the line of fire as they are mesmerized by your performance. Enemies try to bring you low, but you will have none of that! Not when the music is swelling and there is a perfectly good chandelier to swing from!

Vital Gear
Includes a cape that swirls around you when you dance, pearl white teeth for heart-stopping smiles and a clean white shirt for all occasions.
Philip "Intrigue" Alexander

Social graces are your cup of tea and no one plays a better game of Risk. You are invited to all the upper echelon parties and know whose side to be on before all the votes are counted.

Vital Gear
Includes bribe money, tuxedo and connections in the kitchen to get you out the back way.

Diving "Determined" Gal

Nothing stands between you and the proverbial brass ring. If you encounter any obstacles in your path, you quickly and effortlessly sidestep them or obliterate them. At the end of the day, you are standing tall and enjoying the thrill of victory.

Vital Gear
Includes a Palm Pilot, ready cash and a base of operations.
James "Courageous" Kleinheinz

You are more than a hero/heroine. You are an inspiration to your friends and a respected rival to your worst enemy. You take the big risks to protect your friends, family and country. Not many can walk in your shoes.

Vital Gear
Includes an item of clothing with your country's flag on it, picture of a loved one in wallet and strength of spirit.
Kristey "Daring" Kelley

What is victory if the prize is too easy to obtain? You never think twice about taking the short, dangerous road and revel in the rush of pushing yourself to the limit. Extreme sports are for wimps, Russian roulette is more your style.

Vital Gear
Includes a ready packed parachute, a stick of chewing gum and a hot motorcycle.

Hmmm..."Queen Bourbon Breath" still fits me the best!:wink:

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