No Response from Mares on their support site??????

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Houston, Texas
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0 - 24
I posted the below question on the Software Mares Support site on: 12 Jul 2011 and still have not heard any response.

Can anyone here give me a phone number for tech support at Mares or can answer our safety concerns.

Both me and my wife have Nemo Air dive computers. Last week on our second dive we went deeper and longer than intended and apparently went into Deco. We only was made aware of this when we were attempting our safety stops and saw where it would not go into the normal 3 minute safety stop mode and was indicating Deco 5 minutes at 10'. After about a 5 minute or so wait (no count down on the dive computer) it then went into the normal safety stop count down.

I realize we should have been watching the "No Deco" time; however, I would have expected some type of an alarm when we were nearing the deco time like when was 10 minutes remaining or something so we could have moved higher and prevented the Deco stop.

Why is there no alarm to notify me when we are nearing DECO. This happened to both mine and my wife computer at the same time.

Please advise.


Hi Pat,
Not having seen your computer, and I also haven't dove with the Nemo in a while, so I'm trying to answer your questions from memory. 1st, to my knowledge I don't know of a computer by any manufacturer that has an audible alarm prior to entering deco. There could be, I'm just not aware of it. My point is, I don't think this is a common feature put into dive computers. However the computer screen / display throughout the entire dive shows how close you are to deco, and also displays that you are in deco the moment you "cross the line". This is the primary function of a dive computer. It is constantly monitoring nitrogen loading, depth, and bottom time. Telling you how much longer you have at your current depth prior to going into deco. New computers on the market are becoming a little more sophicated in graphics and information signals. This is a function of product evolution and new technologies. The Nemo is several years old now, while still a great computer, it doesn't afford some of the features a newer computer might have. Such as countdown displays, color graphics, etc. It is a nice solid unit, easy to navigate through the menus, has a large display with big numbers, easy to read, and has a lot of features.

I hope this helps to answer your questions. If you need anything else you can send me a private message.



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