Plus water sensor, pressure sensor, temperature sensor and fast ascent alarm .... and an app that automatically shows the captain in real time who is on the boat and who is not.Seems like a very simmilar to the DAN diver tag system + a stopwatch. ....
Not really....... but a diver CAN forget to return the tag to the boat, potentially driving up costs for the captain......
At the beginning of the trip, the captain / DM assigns a sensor to a diver. Each sensor has a unique ID and the captain / DM has the option to enter in the app name / picture of the diver. Basically the captain could know exactly which diver has which sensor.
If the diver comes back to the boat without a sensor then the captain will see that diver on the app as missing. I bet the captain will go looking for him/her before going to bed ....
If the diver comes back to the boat with the sensor but then s/he does not return it to the captain, the moment s/he walks away from the boat (back at the dock ... going to the car) the app will detect that sensor as missing. It will be up to the captain to decide what to do then .... chase the customer .... call the customer the day after and ask him/her to return the sensor .... charge the customer for the sensor .....
That is one of the reasons we designed the system this way...... Actually, having a unique and automatic timer for each diver is a nice idea, too. Especially for boats with mixed passengers, like a spearfishing group getting dropped on the opposite side of the reef from tourists where drop time will vary a good bit.