Looking to sell my Nikon D750. The camera and housing are 2 years old (purchased 4/16). The housing was serviced one year ago around the hardly used since then. Took it underwater a few weeks ago and no issues. The camera shutter count is 34398 (rated to have 150,000 shutter life). Comes with a battery, battery charger, instruction book, and I can probably dig up a strap. I have 2 sets of brand new o-rings for both the housing back and ports and probably 10 other slightly used o-rings. Selling with 4 ports - 5505.46 for 105mm, 5502.41 for 60mm, 5503.50 for Tokina 10-17mm fisheye, and 5503.15 superwide dome port for 10.5m fisheye. Ports are all in great shape, no scratches. Have both zoom clamps and rings. $3000 plus shipping.