Nicaragua Diving

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New Jersey, USA
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0 - 24
Hi everyone, I was hoping you guys might have some insight for me on diving in Nicaragua.

I read the report from Little Corn Island and it seems like something not to be missed. I was wondering if anyone had any good advice on San Juan Del Sur or any other good spots.

I only have 6 days in Nicaragua and my sister is tagging along, who is not a diver. I'm also planning on seeing some volcanoes and all that while I'm there and of course the lake so I'll probably only get one day of diving in.

Question is, where do I spend that day diving? Hope you guys can help! Thanks :)
Do you have Little Corn in your travel plans?

I've not done any dives off the west coast, but I've done about 60 off Little Corn. It's nice.
Maybe the reef sharks will still be there. There was a pack of three (maybe four) hanging around back in late Jan/Feb. One of the best dives ever watching those guys cruise around. No baiting involved.

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