Mech Diver - I must have come across incorrectly, by no means are you annoying us with your comments, we invite people to give us feedback be it positive or negative. My comment was simply meant to tell you that should you no longer wish to receive any emails you don't have to. I understand you have no problems receving emails that you see as benefical as you stated early on but given that you are clearly worried about getting things you don't want this is an easy way to insure it never happens as you would be completedly optted out.
Should you decide you no longer wish to be a member of ScubaBoard you are free to remove your profile information, signature and email address and that will, for all intensive purposes, render your account inopperative. Of course we don't want to see you or anyone else go
Should you decide you no longer wish to be a member of ScubaBoard you are free to remove your profile information, signature and email address and that will, for all intensive purposes, render your account inopperative. Of course we don't want to see you or anyone else go