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Greetings to all! I'm from Singapore and no, it's not in China. :D Here to give my two cents worth and hope not to short-change anyone. :wink:

Singapore's not in China? Dang....:eek:ut:

Come out from behind that wall and join us. Looking forward to your 2¢!
and a WARM Welcome from Wet and Rainy ARIZONA.

Glad to have you here :balloon:

now the first time I went to China I thought Singapore was part of it but that was Hong Kong, that and Singapore has a little more colorful money..
and glad to meet you! You'll love this place....tho i bet diving in Singapore(wherever that is ) is FANTASTIC.:hi:
Been there twice. Great place. I loved the night safari and did some great shopping. Caught the last of the monsoon rains. I have never seen rain bounce up that far. It didn't matter where you hid, you got soaked. It was warm until we got back into air conditioning and i froze my ass off....I'm still looking for time you're near the Peoples market, can you keep a look out for it for me? Thanks. I swam at Sentosa but the only didving I did was in Korea. Thw Viz can't be too great. Where do you dive?
Welcome aboard,
Cheers Big Ears,
The Gasman
Welcome to the boards ScubaCord!
My dive buddy got in a couple weekends of diving there a few months ago. I think that she really enjoyed herself. Came back an improved and more confident diver, once we finally got her back in the cold water!

Welcome to the board! Sounds like some really great diving in the surrounding areas.

Thanks for all the humorous and heart-warming replies of welcome!

Well for some of you I hope it wasn't too great a disppointment to learn that Singapore's not in China and as for the color of dun matter to me as long as it pays my bills! :jester:

Diving in Singapore waters is an experience you may wanna give a miss. With 30 years of land reclamation, the vis is pretty bad (1-2m) due to sedimentation but albeit all the silt and plentiful plankthon, we boast over 100 species of corals (if you can see them)! Diving in Singapore sharpens your navigational skills along with any phobias you may have in low vis dives. :D

If you want aquarium-like diving, you can literally dive in one at our Underwater World in Sentosa(one of our islands). There you can dine with the sharks and manatee.

In actual fact our marine life is as abundant as those you can find in our closest neighbor, Malaysia. Same corals - same reef life - different vis. :(

I dive most of the time in Malaysia off the east coast of Peninsula (West) Malaysia. Diving season begins from March thru to October then during off season and if you need that drag of air from your reg, switch over to the west coast where it's sheltered from the monsoon. On the east coast you could go up to Thailand and dive at Phuket and some of the other islands too.

AND of course there's Indonesia!

If you need any advise on places to dive around this area just drop me a line and I'll be glad to assist in any way I can. :wink:

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