Newbie going all the way to DM!!! :0)

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Hello all!

Rightso....I'm completely new to diving, I'm taking a career break (for at least a year) and planning on doing the whole chibang up to DM! Any tips welcome, or even anyone who might be/have been in the same situation?!?

Anyways I'm very excited as I only have a few weeks until I start my big adventure!
Welcome to the ScubaBoard! You have agreat challenge ahead of you that will be very rewarding in the end!:D
Okies so you may find this a little strange but I'm taking a career break (for a year) and going to complete all courses upto and including DM.

I've been looking for insurance and found that the DAN europe seems to cover a multitude....anyone got alternatives? It would be for a whole year and obvoiusly to cover all eventualitites?

Also any other handy tips would be greatly appreciated!!

What about buying equiptment etc?

I'm really excited as its only a few weeks till I start (all booked up!!!) - anyone else in a simaliar boat?

Thanks!! I really am so excited! Have you any tips for insurance? I've checked our DAN europe and they seem to cover everything for a decent price - with being a newbie I kinda worry I'll miss somthing out, but I figure DAN are a well established company who should know thier stuff?! :0)
I admire your ambitions! The excitement is contagious! One tip,..... Don't get in a big hurry to reach your goals. Give yourself time to gain lots diving experience in as many different environments as you can- warm water, cold water, calm water, currents, 100+ft visibility, 5 ft visibility, freshwater, saltwater, daytime diving, night diving,..... the list goes on. The more dives & experiences you bring to the table, the more you'll be an asset to any instructor &/or students you may assist & possibly any other divers you may be leading on a dive. Also, as you go through, don't forget to get in some enjoyment dives for yourself. You have to enjoy the sport yourself to help others enjoy it.
I started my DM class after about 3/4ths of a year into scuba. I think before you start a professional scuba course (ie. DM, assistant instructor, instructor) you should have basic skills, trim and buoyancy down to a point where you don't have to think about it constantly. Professional certifications are about leadership, not diving skills. Be sure you want to do this not simply as a career choice, but because you're passionate about scuba. I think it's better to have a DM who enjoys his/her job rather than one who does it for money or to see the world.

Do you want to become a DM because you want to lead dives and hand out honest advice about safe diving practices and marine conservation? By honest advice I mean stating what is your opinion or where you heard so called "facts". It also means handing out advice when you think you actually have experience in the matter to provide your input.

Just my 2 cents. Generally the members around here don't like to idea of going straight through to DM since it usually doesn't produce proficient DMs in terms of leadership or diving skills. I myself agree with this. It doesn't look good when shown on paper, but I do know there are exceptions. If you work hard and be honest with yourself you can become a great DM.

Just don't get your head all high and mighty with your cert card. Be honest with yourself.

My overall advice to you would be to get a Basic scuba certification first. See if you like it, then go on to get Adv and Rescue. If you like diving after that, dive a bit more before you decide to go onto being a DM. Be sure you're doing it for the right reasons though.
Firstly, Enjoy it, you will find it both hard work, and good fun.

secondly, touching on what "G1138" said..

Be honest with yourself, don't think because your a Divemaster you can go off and dive comfortably anywhere in the world in alien environments, with the 60 dive requirement to become a DM you will still be a reletavely new diver, although a well trained, good diver, you will be yet to experience certain eventualities and how you react to these things.

But I promise you, you will enjoy it.
Buying your own gear is a good investment if you know what you want, scuba gear generally will last for a long time if it is taken after in the correct manner, and if you are willing to commit to paying for a DM course from the start, it may be worth investing in your own gear and getting yourself comfortable in it from the beginning rather than having to adjust to it at a later stage.

Good luck, any questions dont hesitate to ask
Also welcome to the board!
I hope you have a blast learning to dive =]
I totally get that whole fun part...I'm so looking forward to my first wreck dive and moreso all the facinating sealife!!!

I hope that my enthusiasm does rub off on my students (when I actually get to that point!)....I'm planning on doing the courses over a period of about 2 1/2 months - thus allowing time for lots of fun dives too! :0)
Welcome to the scuba industry and good luck with your endevours as a professional. I will say this, you will have alot to overcome. Gaining the respect of others as a novice DM is not easy yet required to be a good DM. Best thing you can do is to become a sponge and soak up all the knowledge you can at a retainable rate...

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