New Whites Fusion Boot

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Ok...I have an update....

Your current Fusion socks must have a piece of velcro sewn into the outside suit for these to work. The problem is I bet none of you have this....its an inline change being done at the factory now, so all new suits will have this. Most likely, not many of you already have this though...

Soooooo.....Whites has an option going for this. I know alot of people have said the calves weren't big enough for them.....And with the socks being a high use area...

For $165 (retail $190) plus shipping(both ways) We can send your suit back to Whites, they will install new socks onto your suit. The new socks will be made of a 500 denier material vs 200 they are currently made of to toughen them up a bit....they don't need it, but why not. The new socks will be wider in the calf area, so it will be ALOT easier for you to get in and out of your suit. PLUS the new socks will have the velcro on them for the boots........

.......and the boots are included in the price :D

Talk about a sweet promo! You can get some updates done on your suit for not much more than the boots cost!

Its great to see Whites doing their best to keep the suit upgradeable!
How much to widen the calfs without the boots. I really like being able to tighten and loosen the boots with the laces (bungees) based on the amount of insulation I'm using (which changes with water conditions/temperature)?
Excellent news, I been diving my Catalyst for the last 6 years and it about time for an upgrade. I first I didn't care much for the Fusion. The main problem was the boots and no pocket, as a Tech diver I need to have pockets, I just wish that the present pocket on the Fusion were just a bit larger. I installed DUI pockets on my Catalyst just because I like the size of them and didn't care for the whites pockets.
The boots will also make my decision easier as I like to keep my XL Jetfins instead of getting new one. The Fusion is get better and better, I guess all that time I made fun of my buddies for wearing Fusion is coming to an end. :D

Hmm, Whites clearly states that MSRP on this is $190 (here: You have it listed as $250 MSRP on your site, then claim 26% savings (in reality, it's less than $5). What's up with that?

Also, this line on your website regarding the boots is rather hilarious:

"We will get your suit back ASAP and ship it right out to you. Lead times vary, please call if you need it ASAP."

Sure you know what ASAP means?


Hmm, Whites clearly states that MSRP on this is $190 (here: You have it listed as $250 MSRP on your site, then claim 26% savings (in reality, it's less than $5). What's up with that?

Also, this line on your website regarding the boots is rather hilarious:

"We will get your suit back ASAP and ship it right out to you. Lead times vary, please call if you need it ASAP."

Sure you know what ASAP means?


Whites doesn't include shipping...We are including Shipping into the price.

Why is it Hilarious? That means we will not let your suit sit in our receiving area for a few days like some other places before will get received and shipped to you same day. I cannot say today, what Whites lead time could be when you place the order which could be tomorrow or in 6 months. You could place the order in the middle of the repair season and it takes 4 weeks or you could place it in a low time and it only takes 1 day at the factory.

I do know what it means, Put As Soon As Possible in place of ASAP and it still makes sense :wink:, but I will clarify more so their is no confusion
Hmm, Whites clearly states that MSRP on this is $190 (here: You have it listed as $250 MSRP on your site, then claim 26% savings (in reality, it's less than $5). What's up with that?

Also, this line on your website regarding the boots is rather hilarious:

"We will get your suit back ASAP and ship it right out to you. Lead times vary, please call if you need it ASAP."

Sure you know what ASAP means?


Dude, that's harsh.

I've done business with Mike, and his customer service is outstanding. If he says he'll do something, he does it ... that's been my experience, at least ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I am REALLY interested. What is the boot sizing? Can't see that on your site.

Sorry for the delay, the boot sizes are now up on the site :wink:
How much to widen the calfs without the boots. I really like being able to tighten and loosen the boots with the laces (bungees) based on the amount of insulation I'm using (which changes with water conditions/temperature)?

Just got word that it is the same price as with the boots....Its a promo they are running for those that bought early....pretty much throwing the boots in for free. I would recommend if you get the boots, sell them if you do not like them. Just saw them yesterday, they are REALLY nice! I will have a video review of them up shortly :wink:

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