New tricks for an old sherwood dog

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Reaction score
Austin, Tx.
# of dives
2500 - 4999
OK guys and gals,
I've been diving a Sherwood Oasis for 12 years at least. I got it in California for when I was teaching, great rig for beach diving, easy to crack open and dig the sand out...but it is time to get a new rig. Most of our diving today is in the S. Pacific or Carribean, not doing a lot of beach diving anymore. Recommendations? Cost is not a big issue, but value for the money is.

OK guys and gals,
I've been diving a Sherwood Oasis for 12 years at least. I got it in California for when I was teaching, great rig for beach diving, easy to crack open and dig the sand out...but it is time to get a new rig. Most of our diving today is in the S. Pacific or Carribean, not doing a lot of beach diving anymore. Recommendations? Cost is not a big issue, but value for the money is.


On value for money my vote would go to the Aqualung Titan LX.

Or the Apeks AXT 50 with a second AXT 50 second stage as you’re alternate. I use the tiny AL Micra adj when traveling and now this set up at home. I bought 2 ATX 50s and now have a spare first stage should I need it, I like to have some redundancy availible. You could go to the higher end Apeks, Aqua Lung, Scuba Pro regs and use a less expensive alternate; I chose to go to a very good less expensive reg and use the same reg as my alternate. My travel setup is totally different and is based on weight issues.

If you like the Sherwood stick with them, they are probably the value leader in the market but not of the breathing abilities of the top regs from several other brands. Another Value and breathing quality leader would be Zeagle, they are not widely available in my area so service is a question with me when I bought the Apeks 50 but may be worth a look for you.
How would you guys rate Mares? I bought my wife a Mares a year ago (can't remember the model) based on reviews at the time. One of my first rigs was a Mares, first to have the "venturi assist" and I liked it, but preferred the Sherwood for beach diving. I am looking for ease of breathing these days, but that said, we are travelling to a lot of different places (Micronesia, SE Asia) for diving so I guess service is an issue as well.
Titan LX is a nice reg. My girlfriend has one that I've used several times and the performance is quite nice. I've also taken the Aqualung service tech course, and can say that it's a nice reg inside too.

For the same price range, you could also look at the Atomic Z1. Same breathing characteristics as the more expensive M1, B2, and T1x, but cheaper. Only drawback is a 1-year service interval instead of the 2-year interval of the other regs. I love my M1 - breathes the same at 130 ft as it does at 15 ft!

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