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Forest Hills, Queens NY
I dive up here in the murky waters around New York and Long Island. I've been diving about 4 years and totally fell in love with it. Actually, generally if not diving, I am thinking about diving or writing about diving. (I like to write up my more interesting dives so that one day, when I can't dive - if that ever happens, I can reread some of my more interesting misadventures). I dive pretty much year round, wrecks in the summer and am continuing doing mostly shore and lake dives during the winter. If anyone likes Long Island cold water diving, I'd be happy to hook up...
I also like artifact hunting and read a lot on local maritime history.
Welcome to the boards from snowy upstate!:clapping: :clapping:
and a WARM Welcome from SUNNY Arizona the all beach no ocean state.

Glad to have you aboard :balloon:
And one more welcome. This one from Wisconsin.

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