New to the Area, looking for advice

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Reaction score
Cape Ann, MA; Central IL; Washington, DC
# of dives
200 - 499
Hi Mid-West Muck Divers!

I'm a transplanted New England Lobsta Divah who just moved to central IL. I'm starting grad school at UIUC in fish biology. I'm wondering where the best places are to dive, good local dive shops, and I'm also looking for buddies.

I poked around here a bit and it looks like Haigh Quarry is the closest and a popular location. What other sites should I check out? I'd love to make it up to Lake Michigan for some wreck diving in the future.

I was certified just over two years ago in New England so cold water and low vis don't scare me! I transitioned to a drysuit last fall so I can dive year round (best decision I think I've ever made!). I have all my own gear, so I don't need to rent and I'm ready to dive at a moment's notice.

Thank you for any help!
The Great Lakes Wrecking Crew often has posts about diving as well. Hope to see you at Haigh sometime. And definitely encourage you to hit Lake Michigan! :)

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