Kathleen Sea Hare
Hello! I got certified in Monterey CA and we entered off beach. I felt pretty good, entering and exiting but was really fatigued after 3rd dive walking the gear from the stairs, on the beach and then kicking on my back to the group and definitely could not kick at same pace as my dive buddy who was also a female and my same height around 5', but probably more petite in frame than me. Is that normal? Noticed underwater I felt fine, kicking around during test, but at the surface kicking on my back to the shore- that really wore me out! I want to do more shore dives in Monterey, and live aboards, but is that what it will feel like in general say if you ascend then have to kick back to a boat? Thought I was in good shape (at that time I probably ran 3-4xs a week and cycled on weekend with probably 3-4 days in pool doing laps, just not necessarily fast at any sport. Do you recommend strength training? Any feedback is appreciated!