New to Cozumel, drift diving and dive shop "Blue Project"

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Hi Marty,

I can't comment about Blue Project, but I do have a couple of thoughts and observations:

1. Don't assume a 'large dive outfit' means large boats. Could be a bunch of small boats.
2. Larger boats usually accommodate giant stride entry, but frequently smaller boats go with back entry. OK with U?
3. A large boat does not necessarily mean a large group (in the water). When I dove with Scuba Club Cozumel, while diving from their large or small boat, we had 6-to-1 diver to DM ratio (I think). In fact, I thought there was a marine park guideline or recommendation of 6-1 or 8-1. Anyone know if that is still true? Followed or enforced?

I recall Scuba Club doing a 6:1 and I think I was told it is a regulation.
I have never used Blue Project, haven’t even seen much said about that Dive Op here. That doesn’t mean anything; it might be a great operator. But I would note that I would NOT trust TripAdvisor for ratings on Dive Ops. First, its ratings system can and has been gamed. Second, even if the reviews are honest reviews, and not paid shills, you have no idea whether the reviewer has any idea what they are talking about. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion, but not all opinions are worth listening to. I have seen reviews on TA from newbie divers after their very first ocean dives proclaiming that the Dive Op they used was “the very best by far”. But, since they had nothing at all to compare it to, how could they possibly know? At least here on the Cozumel Forum, you are hearing from people who usually have several hundred dives and know what they want from a dive op. And there simply is no “best” Dive Op, since divers are a pretty diverse group, and each has his or her own preferences - big boat vs. small fast boat; oversized steel tanks and long, long bottom times vs. get in two dives and back to the resort by noon for lunch; DMs that will babysit you vs. a DM that lets you go off on your own; a valet service where everything up to and including your wetsuit is taken care of vs. bare bones just get me to the reef and I’ll set up my own gear. Lots of variables. If you can figure out exactly what you want, you can find a Dive Op that’s best FOR YOU. Which is why reviews that tell you WHY someone likes a particular Dive Op are important, and that’s pretty damn rare on TA.
This was bugging me, since I remember reading something about it. Google provided the answer! There was a Marine Park rule/regulation post-WILMA for 6-1 ratio. Not sure how how long it was in place, but probably expired years ago. Sorry to mislead.

But, the point remains... ask the dive operator what they do. Don't assume a large boat has only one DM.


One of the shops I emailed told me it's 8 to 1 per park regulations.
I have never used Blue Project, haven’t even seen much said about that Dive Op here. That doesn’t mean anything; it might be a great operator. But I would note that I would NOT trust TripAdvisor for ratings on Dive Ops. First, its ratings system can and has been gamed. Second, even if the reviews are honest reviews, and not paid shills, you have no idea whether the reviewer has any idea what they are talking about. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion, but not all opinions are worth listening to. I have seen reviews on TA from newbie divers after their very first ocean dives proclaiming that the Dive Op they used was “the very best by far”. But, since they had nothing at all to compare it to, how could they possibly know? At least here on the Cozumel Forum, you are hearing from people who usually have several hundred dives and know what they want from a dive op. And there simply is no “best” Dive Op, since divers are a pretty diverse group, and each has his or her own preferences - big boat vs. small fast boat; oversized steel tanks and long, long bottom times vs. get in two dives and back to the resort by noon for lunch; DMs that will babysit you vs. a DM that lets you go off on your own; a valet service where everything up to and including your wetsuit is taken care of vs. bare bones just get me to the reef and I’ll set up my own gear. Lots of variables. If you can figure out exactly what you want, you can find a Dive Op that’s best FOR YOU. Which is why reviews that tell you WHY someone likes a particular Dive Op are important, and that’s pretty damn rare on TA.

Great advise, thanks!
I cheerlead for 3P and of course think they are the best. Prior to Blanca aquiring a boat she would often rent space on the 3P boat and I have seen her in the water and topside on many occations and found her to be a very good dive master. She seems to have an excellent easy going manner that relaxes her guests and has allowed her to build a successful business. I would not hesitate to recommend her.
If she is not actually leading the dive often her DM is Juan, AKA Shreik, I have had him as a DM on a number of occations with 3P and he is an excellent DM and a well respected instructor
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I cheerlead for 3P and of course think they are the best. Prior to Blanca aquiring a boat she would often rent space on the 3P boat and I have seen her in the water and topside on many occations and found her to be a very good dive master. She seems to have an excellent easy going manner that relaxes her guests and has allowed her to build a successful business. I would not hesitate to recommend her.
If she is not actually leading the dive often her DM is Juan, AKA Shreik, I have had him as a DM on a number of occations with 3P and he is an excellent DM and a well respected instructor

Thanks for the input!!!
One thing you need to realize is, even though you dive from a small boat with only a few divers on board, that does not necessarily mean that there will only be a few divers in the water. Sometimes several dive ops will end up at the same dive spot at the same time. Several times I have stopped for a 30-second video under a ledge and when I looked up I had to determine which group was mine. One time I did a 360 degree pan with my video camera and there were about 40 divers within my visibility. Cozumel is a very popular place! Some dive ops tend to avoid the crowds more than others so you might want to ask ahead of time. One of the best Cozumel dives I did was when my girlfriend was doing a Discover Scuba and it was only me, her, and the instructor. I was able to get close shots of many critters without having to wait for several other people to finish taking pictures and nobody was scaring them away.
@gopbroek, Juan is AKA “Shreik” or “Shrek”? Cause I can totally see Shrek!

I had him as AOW instructor while I was at 3Ps and really enjoyed his teaching and private DM’ing. He wasn’t able to DM all of our dives as he was working for his other “friend”, whom I now know is Blanca from Blue Project.
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@gopbroek, Juan is AKA “Shreik” or “Shrek”? Cause I can totally see Shrek!

I had him as AOW instructor while I was at 3Ps and really enjoyed his teaching and private DM’ing. He wasn’t able to DM all of our dives as he was working for his other “friend”, whom I now know is Blanca from Blue Project.
miss spelled it, Shrek
One thing you need to realize is, even though you dive from a small boat with only a few divers on board, that does not necessarily mean that there will only be a few divers in the water. Sometimes several dive ops will end up at the same dive spot at the same time. Several times I have stopped for a 30-second video under a ledge and when I looked up I had to determine which group was mine. One time I did a 360 degree pan with my video camera and there were about 40 divers within my visibility. Cozumel is a very popular place! Some dive ops tend to avoid the crowds more than others so you might want to ask ahead of time. One of the best Cozumel dives I did was when my girlfriend was doing a Discover Scuba and it was only me, her, and the instructor. I was able to get close shots of many critters without having to wait for several other people to finish taking pictures and nobody was scaring them away.

Correct, but it never happened to me. They do not mix the groups (neither from different ops) for a matter of reciprocal respect. You can occasionally meet other groups, but you will never dive with dozen people from other groups.
Also, almost all the dives in Cozumel are drifts, a couple of minutes of separation is enough to get distance from other groups.

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