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Toronto, Ontario, Can.
Good day all'
I am new to this board but am quite excited about participating in some discusions, as they seem to be quite heated. your arguments about DIR and such are really quite funny. Reminds me of grade school.

I hope to learn something from all on the board aswell as hopfully shed some insight aswell, but mainly I'm here for the fights!!

Welcome to the board from another Canuck. Hey theres not a whole lot of Jerry Springer stuff in here, even though some us at time have our moments....pretty peaceful over all. Use to live in the Big City, what neighborhood you from??
Canada, it's not even a real country anyway.

Hey, you said you liked fights :wink:
Welcome to the board :D
from Virginia Beach. Dive right in and go to swinging, I also have seen some pretty heated boards. Have fun and hope you learn alot, Dive, deep & often but above all always Dive safe.

Rich :mean:
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA
Have fun here & Dive Safe....................Arduous
Usil (sounds like Indonesian language :))
Welcome aboard, this forum is really precious resources for scuba diving, discussing many useful information from dive travel destination ato any physiology, physics, medicine aspect of scuba diving.
If you need information about diving in Bali or Indonesia, just contact me or directly post your message in
You don't know what you're talking about! There aren't any fights here. You're WRONG! You wanna argue about it?!?

ok, ok maybe not...

welcome to the board....there are some interesting opinions flying around here! I get a good laugh once in a while myself. I'm new to the board as well.

How's the diving way up north there? besides COLD...

take care, eh


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