New Tank Question...

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I am buying tanks from a place that doesn't do fills. The place says that they will give me a VIP sticker but that the tanks will be empty. I have noticed that some places have signs that say they "don't fill empty tanks." I understand why this is but will I have problems getting my new/empty tanks filled the first time? Perhaps the place I get the air fills at will want to do a new visual? Any thoughts? Thanks in advance! Make sense?
ok i'm glad you understand cuz now you can explain to me why some places won't fill an empty tank.
well, they won't know for sure it's a new tank that just had a visual and wasn't used, for all they know it might be empty because someone drained it UW and it could have gotten water in it. I've certainly seen places that say they'll charge you for a VIP if you return a rental tank empty.
I'm going to throw out one scenario that may or may not be relevant to you.

Depending on how close the first shop is to the others and how many tanks he sells, the other shops probably know that this guy sells and inspects tanks but doesn't do fills. It may be just a matter of telling them where and when you bought them and they won't have a problem. Might also be that a phone call to the first store when you go in for the first fill will satisfy the filling dive shop.

I'd just ask both shops how this has been handled in the past. They can tell you exactly what they want. Maybe someone else you know has been through this already?

I could understand demanding a vis on a totally empty steel (or even an aluminum) tank that was several years old. Now, if that tank, or one that is obviously new, has a brand new Vis sticker dated yesterday, it's a different matter. imo.

Good call on the above...

Absolutely find out first...sometimes the reason that stores won't fill completely empty tanks is that sometimes, when a tank fails a vis, a remotely small number of people (real darwins) try and go somewhere else and get the empty tank filled.
But new tanks - sometimes they have imperfections too, even fresh from the factory - so a vis prior to the first fill will rule out any imperfections, or any damage that may have occurred while in transit.
Thanks all for the input. I figured that with the newly dated sticker it shouldn't be a problem to prove that the tank was new and thus empty. Figured I would ask just in case as the tank is the only equipment I do not yet own and have not dealt with other than renting full tanks. Thought maybe some other reason I didn't know about or something perhaps existed. Thanks!

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