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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC
# of dives
200 - 499
OK, for good or bad, last night I decided to buy my equipment and came home like a kid at Christmas. Got gloves, BCD, regs, and whatever else I could think of. Ended up with Scubapro classic plus BCD w/air2 and a set of MK25/x650. From what I've read here and other places, this should be a good combo, at least I hope. Anyway, I'm more fired up than a 4th of July bottle rocket and ready to dive.
you have a nice scuba rig .....thou I would have gone with a regular octopus instead of the Air2 .......... what kind of guages/computer did you buy?
I have to admit even as a newbie like myself, I found the inline secondary to breathe MUCH easier than my instructor's octo. I actually preferred to breathe off of it rather than the regulator I rented for the class :wink: HAHA. I have a Seaquest Balance with Aqua lung air source secondary.

Surfsidedav I am pretty sure that you will be extremely happy with your setup. The Scuba pro regs from what I hear are one of the best breathing regs made. ive been told my atomic and the scuba pro mk25 (and whatever secondary) are the "ferraris" of the regulator world. Now get out there and get diving!!!!!! THATS AN ORDER! HAHA
Surfside, sounds like you will have a great package put togther, enjoy it.
Stryker,your Mares X mask rocks and is great but your regulator is not the Ferrari of the underwater world. Even at that a Ferrari is fun to look at and maybe take for a spin but to live with day in and day out, I don't think so. Fortunately they (Atomic and ScubaPro) are not all that very Ferrai like . LOL. N
ok I have to agree with you on that one.... what I meant by calling them the ferrari's is that its extremely high performance, but comes with a high price taht not everyone can afford (of course $600 compared to $200k is kinda an unfair comparison)....

Maybe a military M1A1 Abrahms tank is a better comparison. Because regardless of the conditions and how bad you beat it up, it still performs like the day you got it (provided that you do the proper maintainence.. And being in the military we beat maintainence like a dead horse.. haha).

Does that one work better?
you have a nice scuba rig .....thou I would have gone with a regular octopus instead of the Air2 .......... what kind of guages/computer did you buy?
Since the dive shop had it in stock, I got a Scubapro mini vip 3 gauge(reading off of the packaging). No computer yet. That's next month. Can't decide what kind to get. I'm thinking of something wrist mounted. I need to research the computer area of the forum and maybe post there. As far as air2, I've read the various takes on the issue and can see both sides. During training, I had the opportunity to use both, and decided I preferred the air2 over octo. Just my opinion. That and $1 will get you a cup of coffee at the waffle house. lol
Just messsing with you Stryker, lol. Great regs, I hope you enjoy them for many years. The "Ferrari" of regulators, my opinion, is the Tekna 2100 series from the lated 70s and early 80s. They were odd, quirky, jumpy at shallow depths, fluttered oddly as well in shallow water but below 20 feet they smooth out. They actually overbreath a bit and this phenomena increases with depth. At 200 plus feet they pump the air to you. Yes, they are odd, small, light and side exhaust, virtually no weight, weird looking parts inside and and basically strange all over I venture few modern regs can put out any more air when breathed hard. I have several of the things, odd again how one day they work beautifully and others they are extra quirky. Sometimes in shallow water I have had the beasts shoot out of my mouth and fly around like a squid in full afterburner---yeah, they are the Ferraris. They went out of buisness, I forget why, a lawsuit I think, but these were never big sellers, most folks could not pardon their shallow water behavoir or other oddities. N
it almost sounds to me like they were MADE to sort of freeflow at depth. thats kinda scary. If it overbreathes like that wouldnt it drain your tank pretty quick? for me, I prefer a reg that breathes without hesitation, or doesnt make me notice much of a difference at 5 feet as it does at 105 feet.... aside from that the reg has to look good.. hahah I mean come on, if it doesnt match my wetsuit then it aint goin with me!

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