New Shark Attack

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I think sharks are getting a bad rap here. The reality is when we step into their domain we are not at the top of the food chain any more.

I doubt that any shark sets out to eat a human. They are often startled and attack, or mistake you for prey. But we are so quick to sensationalize these attacks as much more than they are. Just part of nature.

If some kid was to walk into a field that had 3 or 4 bulls in it and was mauled by one of the bulls and die. People would say that it was terrible, but what was the kid doing in that field. The bull was just being a bull.

So why is it that when we enter the water and a shark attacks it is any different. The ocean makes up two thirds of the world we live on. When we venture into it, we need to realize that the rules that apply on land, simply do not apply here.

I have the utmost sympathy for those who have lost loved ones in these attacks, but I have more sympathy for the hundreds of thousands of sharks that die every year for human sport or for shark fin soup.

So I guess my point is, if you are in the ocean, accept that you are taking responsibility for you actions, and don't expect the oceans creatures to adapt to us being there just because we have domesticated most of the land animals.

Originally posted by syruss32

If some kid was to walk into a field that had 3 or 4 bulls in it and was mauled by one of the bulls and die. People would say that it was terrible, but what was the kid doing in that field. The bull was just being a bull.


We would also kill the bull(s). No questions. Are you proposing the same for the shark(s)? Or not? What *are* you proposing, anyway?
Personally, I propose getting out of the surf when sharks are sighted nearby - but I would also kill one in a heartbeat that attacked anyone, "natural" behavior or not.
Hey folks ........are divers the only people whom understand sharks. The general public run crying about the shark attacks, yet still tempt fate by wandering their domain with no caution.. These same people wouldn't think of wandering in the Florida swamplands because they know there are aggresive creatures lurking there. These same people wouldn't wander in the forest where Black Bears, Grizzlies etc are wandering around foraging for food. Yet they jump into waters known to be inhabited by aggressive sharks, and wonder why in h*** there are attacks. Well Duh!!! We as divers understand the sharks a little better than the average person and are careful around the areas where the sharks are lurking.

Rick I agree that if something was attacking myself or another I would certainly takes steps to stop the attack, even is it meant killing the animal/fish etc. But hey we cannot condem any animal for doing what comes natural to them. This may mean protecting their territory our just doing a taste test. Butch
We would also kill the bull(s). No questions. Are you proposing the same for the shark(s)? Or not? What *are* you proposing, anyway?
Personally, I propose getting out of the surf when sharks are sighted nearby - but I would also kill one in a heartbeat that attacked anyone, "natural" behavior or not.

I think killing to offending shark is fine, but not trying to kill dozens to right what happened as is the case here. If some shark were attacking me, your darn right I would try and kill it. That is as far as I would go though, I would not have a vendetta to settle with all sharks.

Spotting the Bull, or Bear, or Moutain Lion, or whatever may be easier than trying to locate the exact shark that stepped out of line. I got the point you were trying to make Rick and agree 100%


You can't honestly tell me that anybody whom has been attacked by a shark is naive enough to think that it couldn't happen. Anyone whom enters a carnivores domain has got to at one point stop and think about the consequences of a mishap. We make choices, we choose to frolic in their realm. We hope that they accept us as guests and not eat us. As divers the vast majority of our community is intelligent enough to respect the shark, we appreciate it's beauty... not everybody whom enters the water is as aware of the sharks lifestyle as we are. It's our responsibility to help educate those whom aren't. Otherwise the closest we are going to get to these creatures in the future is watching the Discovery Channel Archives.

The shark has remained essentially unchanged for over 350 million years... only with the technology and hunger that man has developed within the last few hundred are they in danger of being wiped out. What does that tell us. We relentlessly overfish it's food supply, and then wonder why they attack... Well, I may not know everything, I never claimed that I did... but I do know that the recent chain of events off of the U.S.'s South East Coast will be talked about for a long time to come. And in the end we shall see whom the real mindless killers are!

Originally posted by Mario S Caner
And in the end we shall see whom the real mindless killers are!

Some people are already thinking this way. I heard 3 local radio personalities talking about the so called Shark Attacks on a talk show this morning. They seemed to think that us, having the most powerful military in the world, should have the army do something. like kill off the sharks. This is one of those shows where if you don't agree with their [red]OPINIONS[/red] you must be Stupid. I bet a lot of the people don't even have an Opinion until they hear something like this, and then they agree with it because they don't want someone to think they're stupid.I don't care for the show but sometimes I'm working near people who do.

The only frenzy that's going on is in the press! The sharks are where they always have been, doing what they always have done. A few bites are unavoidable, but this business of continuing to surf and swim *after* sharks have been spotted in the area is just insanity.
And the press should be taken to task for blowing this year's bites (about average now) way, way out of proportion.
And when I said earlier that I'd kill a shark that attacked a person in a heartbeat, I did not mean without regret at the necessity. And I definitely don't mean the wholesale slaughter of sharks is justified - it is not!
is a major Washington DC sex scandal. That would keep the journalists busy enough to not report these shark attacks. While a few of these attacks are sad and tragic. Quite a few have been from pure human stupidity ie some of the surfers that got bit. Think about it; if the reporters had something else to focus on the only attacks that would have made the news would be the two fatal attacks and the eight year old boy who quite miraculously(sp)survived. And the truth is no one would have gotten really excited over 3 attacks. The media has turned an average year into a bumper crop of savage crazed sharks on a rampage against the human species.

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