New @ Scuba - Suggestions on equipment

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Hi people,
I am new to scuba although I've been living in Fort Lauderdale for the past 14 years.
I realized that here there are people from all levels and that your input will help.

The uquipment I am considering is:

Oceanic Probe QLR or Aeris Atmos XT BCD
Aqua Lung Titan LX (I wanted a 1st & 2nd stage balanced)
Dacor Viper Octo
Aeris Atmos 1 Console Computer

Also I am planning to get my Advanced Open Water asap, and I am planning to dive in warm waters (for now). No plans for Nitrox in the near future.

Your input is appreciated.
I would probably suggest that you read throught the posts on BC's, Regulators etc, and you will soon get the drift of what most people find to be "good" equipment. Don't be in a hurry to buy, and by right stuff the first time...........
You might want to check out the following thread. If nothing else I'm sure you'll get a good laugh.

Got to go along with ShakaZulu - rent, read (scubaboard search button is very good for this) and ask lots of questions.

With BCD's some will say jacket style others will vote for Backplate and Wing. Talk to your instructor here. There are pros and cons to each.

Regulators - find out from your LDS repair techs what they service. If you never plan to dive in cold water (you lucky dog) then you can eliminate certain brands right off. If you are going to travel around the world you might want to make sure you buy a brand that is popular in many places. Very good idea on balance first and second stages.

Computers - are you sure you'll never want to use Nitrox? There really isn't a whole lot of mystery to it. You get longer bottom times, not as easily narced and some of us believe that you don't have the fatigue that you do with air. If any of these reasons are attractive then you should consider buying a Nitrox compatible computer. That way you don't have to buy a new one later on. You can do your Nitrox course in conjunction with your AOW class.

Many of us have wasted a lot of money by not doing enough research into the products that we bought. We didn't look far enough into the crystal ball to see where our diving style might take us. I personally have three BCD's. All of them wings, but the first two do not hold a candle to one that I currently dive with. I finally bought a HID can light. I now have a bunch of hand held lights that I wasted a bunch of money on. I could have saved myself a few hundred $$$ by doing more research. Retractors - got a few of them as well that I no longer use. Then there are my bio split fins... you get the point I literally have enough gear to completely outfit someone who does not own a single piece of gear and we can go diving in Puget Sound. Yes I do own two drysuits!
I agree with the above. There are plenty of threads you can read through regarding everypiece of dive equipment you can imagine.

Titan LX - Good reg, but you may want to think about maintenance issues. Not that this reg has them, but should something go awry with the first stage when your on a boat somewhere, you need a bench to work on it. Pretty much takes your reg out of service until you get back to a shop.
I have the Legend LX, which all I need to work on it is a tank valve and an allen wrench.
Point being, check with your LDS reapir staff. Find out which one is going t be the easiest to service no matter whether you're in Ft. Lauderdale or Truk Lagoon.

Computers - What overexposed2X said.

Take that same logic, thought process and apply it to all your gear. Try to look several years down the road and buy gear one time that will meet those needs. Will the reg, BC, mask, fins, wet suit, dry suit, etc., you buy today meet potential needs 3 years from now? 10 years? No reason a quality reg, BC can't last 10 or more years with proper care, service.

It may cost more money up front, but it will save you money, time, frustration in the long run.
All great reponses.

In addition, I would also take some time and look at what the DM on the charter boats are using. They do this for a living. After a few dives on a piece of gear you usually find the pros and cons. Most of these folks aren't sponsored by the LDS so they are diving what they sell. Ask tons of questions expecially to folks that are built similar to you.

I watched a rather large gentleman purchase a new Oceanic Chute before a dive in WPB. Great BCD for the right person. His personal boyancy and dexterity would not let him keep his face out of the water on the surface. After the panic that ensude after he entered the water he climbed right back on the boat. Basically paid $50 to watch all of us dive. I haven't seen him since, but I would guess that he was not happy with that purchase.

So rent, asks tons of questions, and then buy smartly.


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