New Pictures of Mutsu

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Reaction score
Iwakuni, Japan
# of dives
100 - 199
Well last weekend the guys and I had our 5th trip to Mutsu this year. Now, after spending some quality time on the wreck and finding a very nice sonar image of what's left that was posted by LM Marine, we're all getting to know her pretty well.

This last trip's focus was to go and take pictures of the remaining barrel of the number 1 turret. It wasn't too difficult to find even in the poor vis. The tip is buried in the sand and made for some tricky picture taking (especially for a crappy photographer such as myself).

We followed the barrel aft to try and find the turret but it seems that part of the deck has collapsed on the barrel about half-way back so we'll have to try a different route next time.


When it came time to start heading back (all too quickly at 134fsw), I stopped to peek my head in the port side passageway and I snapped a surprisingly good picture of some pipes on the bulkhead.

We'll be back on her in January after our holiday break in December and we're all looking forward to the clearer water of the winter!

Scott, do you have the map from LM Marine? It is quite detailed and of course only of the outside. We plan to go back in February.
Yes, I found that great map that LM Marine posted on their website and translated it. What day are you going in Feb? We're also talking about going back at that time to and it would be great to hook up with you guys!

I do have my own boat but it's only a small, 21' sailboat. Lately we have been contracting a boat out of Katazoe on southern Oshima. It only costs us 4000Y a head and the captain is a very nice Japanese guy. We're going to be heading back there pretty much every month starting in January and going until June when the scuba classes start back up. If you or a few others want to join us for a trip down to her, let me know and I can take care of the arrangements here in Iwakuni.

I will decide date in a week or so. I plan to shoot video next time. Still is quite difficult on that wreck - as you know.
I do have my own boat but it's only a small, 21' sailboat. Lately we have been contracting a boat out of Katazoe on southern Oshima. It only costs us 4000Y a head and the captain is a very nice Japanese guy. We're going to be heading back there pretty much every month starting in January and going until June when the scuba classes start back up. If you or a few others want to join us for a trip down to her, let me know and I can take care of the arrangements here in Iwakuni.


Thanks for the info...
Sounds like a pretty reasonably-priced dive. Do you bring your own tanks?

Most of the tanks we bring are rented from our own dive locker. My 120 should be coming soon which i sam looking VERY forward to.

If you want, you can bring your own tanks down and we can fill them with air for free. Unfortunately we don't have mixed gas yet.

My new drysuit is coming next week. I'll join you sometime if you have room...

sweet Jim. which drysuit did u get?

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