Hi Bogdan,
For the wide angle pictures I have used an 8mm fisheye Panasonic and a Nauticam 3,5" dome port #36131
N85 3.5'' Wide Angle Port - Nauticam
For the macro pictures, I have used for very tiny subjects the 60mm macro Olympus (sometimes with a wet macro lens), but for larger subjects like nudibranchs or fish portraits (like cuttlefishes) I used the Panasonic 30mm that is really easy to use.
If you look to the pictures of the Pigmy sea horses , they are made with the Panasonic 30mm macro lens + an INON UCL 165 wet macro lens.....
Sometimes I used even a Panasonic 14-42mm Powerzoom + wet lenses for wide or macro subjects.... but honestly in the area of Bangka island you had better to use 60mm or 30mm macro lenses....or the 8mm fisheye for some sporadic wide angle pictures.....
If you need more info, I am here