Indeed, on the video we can see a "black tube" which looks like the Submatix system you posted.
Do you know if with this system you still need a blocked first stage?
Anyways it looks to me as a solution to non-existent problems but on the video he mentions something like answering a request from the military. Don't know.
Let's wait and see
Thanks for the details.I didn’t use the submatix conversion, I came across it by chance while looking into modifying a kiss sidewinder
It is very similar to the conversions that TecMe does (for other projects; eg. solid state sensors):
A canister to carry the extra components + breakout cables back and forth
All I could find online about it was this brief product page, so I kinda stopped looking into it (for now, till you posted this thread)
GEM - gas electronic modul
In the Neptune FB video they briefly showed it, it was sitting more or less at hip level
My assumption is, as @grantmac said, that the solenoid sit downstream from the leaky valve, kinda acting as a „MAV“ button
2nd guess: that splits into 2 routes
- MAV for mccr mode
- 2nd solenoid (?) for eccr mode
I’ll ask about all that down at boot next week and keep y’all posted (unless they put out some public info/spec sheets)
Indeed, on the video we can see a "black tube" which looks like the Submatix system you posted.
Do you know if with this system you still need a blocked first stage?
Anyways it looks to me as a solution to non-existent problems but on the video he mentions something like answering a request from the military. Don't know.
Let's wait and see