New Mom

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Hi Alison,
You've found a great place for scuba conversation, and I'm sure you'll get lots of informative responses. I am due with my first in early June, just slightly behind you. Be sure and keep us posted on your progress!
Take care,
Scuba-sass :-)

Hey Scuba,

Allison posted two years her child is likely a few months short of two by now...

Congrats on the new addition to your house!
Hi Alison, I got back into diving after three months of having (Baby-Babe) . That's when I was able to get back into my wet suit. I did feel guilty leaving her behind, that is somehing that remains an issue today, (she's 6 months now) and I'm 6 pounds away from my norm. weight (105-lbs).We've been doing mostly beach dives for now and we bring her along. She loves it... I agree with CBULLA, diving did not affect nursing. Timing however was an issue (take your breast pump with you) and yes I also needed extra weights to regain neutral bouyancy.

I hope you have a good baby sitter, you are going to need one....
Enjoy your new baby and good luck.
Hi everyone,

I'm due to deliver my first child in early May. I know I'll be away from diving for a while - my Dr. has indicated that I can expect 6 - 8 weeks off before I can consider diving - not to mention the time it'll take me to loose the weight so I can get back into my wetsuit! Is this time frame realistic? My weight gain has been very low (17-20 lbs)

Also, I plan to breastfeed my baby - does anyone know of any problems that have resulted with this? I appreciate any advice anyone has. Thanks.

Congrats Alison! I agree that it will be at least 8 weeks before you are diving again. I just had my daughter mid-December and I am just now ready to dive again. Now only if the weather and my pocketbook would cooperate! :o)

I had gained 40+ and dropped about 30 of those pounds within the first 4 weeks thanks to the Breastfeeding Gods!!! My weight is getting close to pre-pregnancy, but my hips are definitely much wider than they were before (two sizes larger to be exact)! I am told they take about 9 months to return to normal. 9 months up 9 months down as the doctors say.

But realistically, I haven't had the energy not to mention the time to go diving before now. Maybe you will do better than I have, but waking up for the last three months at least every 2-2 1/2 hours is hard on my body and mind. If you do go while breastfeeding heed the ladies advice about bringing a pump because if you don't "express" often enough the "girls" get pretty painful!

Good luck to you! It is the most incredible experience!!!

Dive Diva:
Yes, engorgement can kind of cramp your style if you're gone all day on a boat dive, but after a couple of months, 3 to 4 hours away can be fairly manageable depending upon the individual.

6 months after the birth of our first child Jeanne and I went diving for week on Grand Cayman with the grandparents as "sitters" for when we were at sea. The boat gave the folks the itinerary, and then came into the beach for the SI. Jeanne fed James before we left, and the grandparents brought him to meet us on the nearest beach for feeding during the SI. Sunset House did up right!

James was a premie and Jeanne got involved in a breast feeding research program, and through that into the milk bank program at Texas Children's hopsital in Houston. She fed James and then pumped 8 to 16 ounces of milk to freeze extra several times a day for the milk bank. The only problem she had was not tapering off the pumping before the trip and neglecting to bring the pump. She broke a wetsuit top zipper due to engorgement about halfway through one dive. OTOH The male divemasters were quite attentive to her, and really bummed at our air consumption rates. She normally came up with about twice the air the dive masters did so it got to be a point of honor for them. After 2 1/2 hours down at the Aquarium I was cold and down to about 500psi, she still had half a tank. None of the divemasters could touch our consumption rates.

The only real advice for traveling with a new baby to dive is to leave the 6th and 7th elephant loads of baby gear at home. Ther is a bunch of stuff you do NOT need when travelling but find convenient at home.

Everyone is different, so take it at your own pace. If you give up on the breast feeding because it is too painful, buy a Savoy Cabbage and put it in your bra (not the whole thing lol, just one leaf on each breast). It sounds mad but it soothes engorged breasts and helps get rid of the milk quicker. Good luck and enjoy they are not little for long.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one around here with kiddies. Well, your doctor is correct as far as the 6-8 weeks after delivery (that's providing it's not a C-section), but chances of feeling up to par, well take each day as it comes. Congrats on keeping the weight down, usually with nursing your uterus will shrink much faster. According to statistics it takes a womens body 9-12 months to get back to it's natural state. ENJOY each day of pregnancy and take one day at a time.
I have 3 little ones, 6,3 and 8 months, as you can see I'm looking forward to blowing some bubbles.

This is right up my alley. I have a 3 month old, and do have weight gain from pregnancy. My doc said I could do anything I wanted after my 6 week checkup...I'll add I had a I scheduled my first dive after baby. I had little Vanny Poo on March 22nd, made my first dive after baby June 12th, all went perfect!

Of course I couldn't fit into my wetsuit yet, but could squeeze into my skin. Thank goodness the water temp was up there, being upper 70's.

I didn't breast feed because of the pain killers I was on because of the c-section, so my weight is slower coming off...not to mention I'm not in my 20's anymore...I'm 35....oh well...thank goodness for hyperstretch.

I know this thread is a little bit old (original posts goes all the way back to 2001!), but I just wanted to add my $.02. Breastfeeding is the best thing that you can do for yourself and your child. It burns an extra 300(!) calories a day. Plus, lactation triggers the hormone oxytocin in your brain. The oxytocin works in two great ways...1. It causes the uterus to contract making it shrink even faster (yep, it was also there during labor!) and 2. It is a bonding hormone...when it is released into your brain you bond with the person you are with...your new baby! Interestingly enough, oxytocin is also released when a woman is sexually excited; bonding her to her spouse.
As far as benefits for baby are concerned they are just countless...lower rate of obesity when they are older, transfer of antibodies, less chance of allergies, better bonding/security, better teeth...the list just goes on.
Oh, another benefit...the more consistently you breastfeed, the longer the delay in the return of fertility ...natural spacing between kids is always good!
OK, alison posted four (that's 4) times in a two week period BACK IN February 2001 and her last post was the one that started this thread.

Come on people! Read a little bit and pay attention when reviving a old thread! (Of course, if alison is still reading, perhaps she could give an update. But until then, let it go!)

Yikes! Did it ever occur that perhaps just maybe someone else might be interested in the topic? Or perhaps we should all just let it go and never talk about new moms again in the, oh wait what was this place called again, right, the WOMEN'S VIEWS section.
Sorry but I don't really get what the big deal is...obviously there are expecting moms who are also divers out there!
yeah - people complain when new threads get started on the same topic. If you also complain when people add to old threads on a topic - what option is left?

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