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Welcome to the board!

Hello to all.. I am a new member trying to catch up with all of you...

No reason to catch up, take your time, and do everything at your own speed.

Almost everyone will be here, I promise :)

Welcome to ScubaBoard !
Welcome to the board. Hope you enjoy the place.

To make it a bit easier, check out the control bar at the top of the page (right below where it ways "Welcome Vertigo1". Fifth one from the right is "New Posts".

Clicking it lets you see the active threads, to monitor whats going on.

Have fun,

Welcome to the board Vertigo! You might have to take a valium to keep up with some of us. :D
Glad to you have you aboard. You might complete your Profile and Dive Info, and try a couple of more posts to get started.

:biggrinba don

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