New member seeks info on Costa Rica

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I will contact you! I'm definitely interested. What I've read about the diving off Jaco is that it's just not that great, although the proximity is enticing. My only concern with going to your shop is the drive's a lot of time on the road.

I'll email you so we can discuss specifics.
We stayed at the Ocotal Beach Resort , We had a place on the hill, vaulted ceiling, private pool, over looked the bay, very nice. The dive operation was great, they took care of all the gear, cleaned it and stored after each dive. Would go out with them again. I would check out these other sites as possible side trips. We actually flew into the coast, stayed in Ocotal for 4 nights then stayed 3 nights at these other 2 places. Each place was better than the last one. and the best was
Hi! I for sure agree that Playas del Coco is the best diving destination in Costa Rica! Not only because we are here, but because you have the widest choice of dive sites including the Catalinas (Manta Rays) and the Bat Islands (Bull Sharks) and the best year round conditions...
If anybody has more experience in diving Cano Islands off Drake Bay, I'd be very curious, it seems to be the "second best" spot in Costa Rica (very remote, though)!
If anybody has more experience in diving Cano Islands off Drake Bay, I'd be very curious, it seems to be the "second best" spot in Costa Rica (very remote, though)!
Well I'll be able to tell you more about it after December! We're making arrangements to go to Cano island for the day. As it turns out, we just can't get up to Playas del Coco...the drive is too far from Puntarenas. But we can take a boat from Quepos out to Cano, where we can go diving, while our teenagers go snorkeling. We'll let you know how it was when we get back.
Excellent, that way I'll find out where to spend my next diving holydays from ... diving! I heard it's the only spot accessible from shore, where you still can see Hammer-heads! I wish it for you...
Are you going commercial or taking the Kerrville Rocket down?
Are you going commercial or taking the Kerrville Rocket down?

Um...what's the Kerrville Rocket?
Well, we wanted to go somewhere to be in a quiet, non-touristy area, so if the Osa Peninsula is considered second best by some, it still gets rave reviews, especially for November diving at Caño Island. We are planning to arrive in the area next week and do some diving the entire week. To the person who originally posted this message about traveling there the first week of November, did you get all your plans worked out?

If I don't get advice about the actual Osa Peninsula area, I guess I'll wait until I get back to the country, and I'll tell you what I thought. :) Pura Vida!
I have dove all over CR and agree

1.Playa del Coco
2.Drake Bay
3.Mid Pacific

In Coco are Deep Blue, Rich Coast, and Summersalt.
I dove with Deep Blue and they were friendly, fun, cheap, safe.
They have changed ownership since though, but have alot of the same staff.
Um...what's the Kerrville Rocket?
A Kerrville Rocket is a nickname for a Mooney high performance aircraft manufactured in Kerrville TX. It’s a great dive trip machine as my wife and I modified our backseat to hold 4 tanks, all our gear, and we could get around at close to 200mph and average better than 20mpg. That gives it plenty of range for trips around the Caribbean and Central America.

Now did the OP leave for good or will he be back?

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