New member seeks info on Costa Rica

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We're going to the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica the first week of November. What dive operators, :confused: and web sites can experienced members refer me to?
I am doing some investigating myself, heading to Costa Rica November 7. I look forward to hearing what other people recommend! I have been to CR before and loved it, so I'm looking forward to finding some great dive spots. :)
If you're going to the Central Pacific area, we will be opening for the season the week of November 13th. We are listed in the dive directory on this site or go to our website

We are commissioning our third boat when we open back up so we are going to be able to offer different trips on a daily basis. Divers will have a choice of local trips around the islands of Manuel Antonio National Park, Deep dives on the pinnacles offshore or Isla Del Cano day trips.

Contact us if we can be of assistance.
Hi...thanks for the info., though I will only be there through November 15, so that will have to wait until next time. Has anyone been to the Osa Peninsula? I was thinking of going there.
There are a couple of operators out of Drakes Bay that go to Isla Del Cano and Corcovado National Park. Since it's now the green (rainy) season, near shore diving will be iffy at best. Cano will be the best bet for good conditions. Osa ia a hike though, almost a day driving from San Jose (six hours by car from us). You can fly there via Sansa and Nature Air though.

Enjoy your trip.
Of course you are always welcome to come and dive with us. Thye best place for diving in Costa Rica is Playas del Coco, and Novmeber is manta season. We offer Catalina island trips and hopefully we encounter loads of manta's.
For more info check our website:
If you pick something else, still enjoy because the diving in the pacific is great!
This is funny,

I just left Rich Coast Diving and had a great time. I did my open water and advanced course. I think they are the best operation in Coco. Unfortunatly I am on my way to San JOse to go back to Europe Tomorrow, sniff, I will miss Playa del Coco and the crew at Rich Coast, we had a great time together, and if you do go there ask them to take you along on their pasta diners!! Have fun.
I just bought our plane tickets to Costa Rica for Christmas week! My husband and I are divers, and we are also looking for some place to dive. We'll be staying at a resort near Puntarenas, so I'm trying to figure out the best place for us to go. We'll have access to a vehicle so can do some driving, but the closer the better. Is Jaco going to be our best bet? What's the diving near there like? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, everyone. I heard about Manta season and am very interested in diving there in CR. Also we are looking at checking out Panama the same time.
There is an operator in the Jaco area, Herradura Divers. They are on the road to Los Suenos before you get to the resort. They generally dive the local area outside the bay. I dove with them a couple of times prior to establishing my business in Quepos. They are a no-frills operation with a small boat, but the diving was nice.

We are located in Quepos, about two hours south of Punteranas. We have three boats, equipped to US standards and specially outfitted for diving, all are less than three years old. We offer local dives in the waters off stunning Manuel Antonio National Park as well as trips to offshore pinnacles, Corcovado National Park and are the only operator north of Dominical offering charters to Isla Del Cano. We are also the only operator on the central Pacific offering Nitrox diving (Ocotol Resort is the only other operator in the country with Nitrox). We have just been approved as the first dive operator in the country to recieve certification by the Costa Rican Tourism Board (ICT).

We are listed in the dive directory on this site or you can check us out on the web at Please contact us if we can be of assistance.

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