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Ted S

SB Co-Founder
ScubaBoard Supporter
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SF / Bay Area
A while back this subject came up but more side discussions arrose than suggestions. Right now we have a rather default set of user ranks which I would like to change around to make them, well, more fun and better related to Scuba. If you have a suggestion for one, two or every level of rank please post them here.

Our current rank sys is as follows:
New Member 1 Star - Minimum Posts: 0
Junior Member 1.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 25
Regular Member 2 Stars - Minimum Posts: 50
Regular Member 2.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 75
Regular Member 3 Stars - Minimum Posts: 100
Regular Member 3.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 250
Senior Member 4 Stars - Minimum Posts: 500
Senior Member 4.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 750
ScubaBoard Veteran 5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 1000
Tech Admin:
A while back this subject came up but more side discussions arrose than suggestions. Right now we have a rather default set of user ranks which I would like to change around to make them, well, more fun and better related to Scuba. If you have a suggestion for one, two or every level of rank please post them here.

Our current rank sys is as follows:
Hmm how about somthing like:

Guppy 1 Star - Minimum Posts: 0
Minnow 1.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 25
Clownfish 2 Stars - Minimum Posts: 50
Grouper 2.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 75
Morray 3 Stars - Minimum Posts: 100
Stingray 3.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 250
Nurse Shark 4 Stars - Minimum Posts: 500
Reef Shark 4.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 750
Great White Shark 5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 1000

The fish names are just off the top of the head, I'm more suggesting the theme....
I think the current set up is quite satisfactory.
Didn't we recently have the ability to customize out rank lines? I went to change it today and can't seem to find where the option to do this has gone.

I agree with keeping the ranking as is. It's more adult. If you went with cutsey names I would feel that little Shirley Temple was running the board.
Tech Admin:
Question for "He Who Must Not Be Named"---How does one cause an e-mail address in the signature block to show up as a link?

If you type it in like this (but without the spaces) you will get a link:
[url =][ /url] it will look like this and be a link to that site. Put it in your sig line and you are golden :wink:
Question for "He Who Must Not Be Named"---How does one cause an e-mail address in the signature block to show up as a link?
If you put your email address in a post or PM, it'll automatically look like this: as the (blanks added to prevent action) [ email] [ /email] will be added. For a Sig, you need to add those codes.

Cick the reply button to see my codes.

If you type it in like this (but without the spaces) you will get a link:
[url =][ /url] it will look like this and be a link to that site. Put it in your sig line and you are golden :wink:
No - actually, this is true for site links, not email addresses. Again, the [ url] is automatically added in posts and PMs, but not so in Sigs.

You can also hyperlink: []Etc[ /url] becomes Etc

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