New member looking for information about diving in Costa Rica

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Hi everyone
I'm new to scuba board and need some information about a dive trip to Costa Rica in April. I have two sons, aged 12 and 14 who will be diving also. My husband and I have been certified for 20+ years and have dove Caribbean, Hawaii, Grand Cayman, Cozumel, and Australia. What are the best dive areas in costa Rica and where should we stay? I'm thinking about renting a house or condo but don't even know the best areas to look at. Could you help? I also would like recommendations on dive operators there. Thanks
Go West! The diving is best on the western coast of CR. The Guanacaste region is where you want to look. I stayed and dived with ElOcotal a few years back and had a great time. I've heard Bill Beard's operation is outstanding as well. Playa del Coco was the town we were near. I went in July during the rainey season as that is the best time to visit CR. The diving is a bit chilly, so you'll need to wear a wetsuit.....depending on how cold you get. Those in my group in shorties were cold and those in a 3mm were okay at the beginning of the week, but were wishing they had 5mm by the end of the week and on night dives. There's no coral, perse' on the western coast, but who needs coral with the ABUNDANT life to be seen! I saw marlin, bulll sharks, shrimp, huge rays and huge huge HUGE schools of fish. There are alot of nutrients in the water, so vis is not crystal clear, but the nutrients in the water is the precise reason you have the spectacular life. We're talking big stuff in CR.
We visited Guanacaste in mid-May, mostly diving the Catalina Islands. (Couldn't get anyone to take us to the Bat Islands). The marine life was abundant, but you had to be on top of things before you could see them - visability was less than 20 feet. There was also a big surge. We were diving with a couple of photographers from a French scuba magazine, and they abandoned their article after three days - said they couldn't take any decent photos and couldn't recommend the Catalina Islands to their readers. We agreed. It rained incessently - pouring rain 16 hours a day - so topside wasn't much fun either.

Have you ever visited Belize? Diving is excellent and there are loads of topside activities. I would recommend a base near Placentia in order to do both, or else a trip split between the mainland and one of the cayes.

Good luck!
If you are going to Costa Rica in April you will be going during summer months...Feb. March & April are the best months to go there. diving is great and you want to dive in Guanacaste, either with Deep Blue or Ocotal Diving is good. also, i've heard that Bill Beard's is a good operator. I've dove with Deep Blue & Ocotal and really liked both. They are both located in Guanacaste, Deep Blue is 1 block from the Coco Beach. I have stayed at the Flor de Itablo lodge and the place is fairly cheap, clean good service and very convenient, and kid friendly. i've been there a few times and really liked it. diving is really good..have dove Catalina Island, Bat Island, Mirador, and many more sites with all being really good. no complaints from here.

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