New Mares Icon BCD - Advice on Warranty

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Reaction score
South Africa and Egypt
# of dives
100 - 199
Hi There,

I have just started back diving after a number of years break and did the AOW course with all new Mares kit, Abyss 22 reg, Volo Power fins, Liquid skin Mask, Nemo Air Computer for connection to the air supply, Mares 0.5 mm for warm water diving and…… an Icon BCD. I am really pleased with all the Mares stuff. Except after the 18th dive with all this new kit in a period of two - one week dive sessions separated by a week the Icon BCD started to leak all along the top seam between the straps. This started from about the 12th dive and my last one I stopped using the BCD as I only realised what is was when I cleaned it all over. I thought it was a leaking dump valve when I surfaced but when tested the BCD fully inflated found the leaking seam. The six dive instructors all said it was a manufacturer's defect.

I returned it to the Approved Mares Dealer who said it can and would be repaired and not replaced - after only three weeks from purchase date and 18 dives. I am not certain if a repair (especially a seam repair) is an acceptable practice and who would guarantee the unit after repair? I am concerned that if is this a common problem with these type of BCD's, should I get another one as I really like the compact Icon BCD, or should I get another type and what would you all recommend? Has anybody had seam leaks from a Mares BCD before and it this a common BCD problem?

I am reluctant to use the repaired unit and have written off the unit and the apparent warranty as a bad experience. Any advice on what is a good similar unit Mares or other manufacturers make? Unfortunately Mares have no contact details on their website to ask these questions so I really seek expert experienced advise from this forum.

Thanks in advance
Hi there,
On the Mares website located in the top right section is a tab listed sales network click on this, Authorized Dealers - Sales Network - Mares - just add water then click distributors, and use the global finder to locate the nearest distributor. All contact information is provided. They should be able to answer your questions.


The Authorised dealer contacted me and offered a full replacement or upgrade at reduced price to another type of BCD. Great service and professional response from Mares with full warranty on the replacement unit. Thinking of changing to a Dragon or a Hybrid. Thanks again to Mares for the super service.:)

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