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St. Petersburg, fl
# of dives
0 - 24
I guess I'm not really a girl anymore. I have to keep reminding myself I'm in my 40s now..44 to be exact and while I'm not a scuba diver YET, it's something I long for and hope to be doing soon! I was inspired by my uncle who has gone on these amazing dives all over the world, like the galapagos Islands. Who gets to go on trips like that?! Im in awe. I live in Florida near st pete beach and I'm just searching for a community of water lovers like me. I may not have the experience in diving but I feel called to the ocean as well. Hope everyone is having a beautiful day!
Welcome to Scubaboard! We look forward to reading more about your diving experiences as you become trained.
My partner’s SCUBA instructor was a woman who started diving in her 40s, fell in love with it, became an instructor and traveled to great places as a tour wrangler and DM with the shop where she first trained. There’s a literal world of opportunity—and you’re in a good place to get started without a lot of travel.
My wife and I were in our 40s when we got certified and now have over 600 dives logged. It's never too late.
Hi! I’m also in FL in Pinellas as well (Clearwater). As many have already said, it’s never too late. And as you said … the places you could go!! I often joke with my wife, we are definitely the coolest people that our friends know 😂
It’s just such an incredibly experience getting a chance to see a completely different world … all over the world!

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