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You mean, Home Port: Mukielto WA. It's been descri
# of dives
25 - 49
:bogey: New to diving? Got gear? Gotta get out?

Yup to all of the above, I'm up close to where the earth drops off... Everett. Mukielto and Edmonds are the spots, and anytime during the week except Thursdays and Sundays I'm ready to head out straight from work. All anyones gotta do is gimmie a hollar and we'll go blow some bubbles.

Anyone else fit the above description? feel free to post it here. :D
Short notice I know,

Anyone able to go to Mukielto today. Maybe meet at 6:30. :D

How bout tomorrow, meet between 5:30 and 6:00. :D

let me know


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