Since you are apparently considering a second stage different from what I presume is your intended primary second stage (a700), could you tell us what YOUR criteria for a second stage are? Absent that information, you will get responses that reflect someone else's criteria that may or may not match yours. For example, MY criteria are simple - 1) I won't use anything as an octo that I wouldn't use as a primary, and 2) having two second stages that use the same service parts kit is preferable.
I have an Envoy and would not have a problem using it as an octo. It is not my preference as a regulator but is nonetheless functional. It has a venturi control, but not user-adjustable sensitivity. Not a big deal and not a problem for recreational diving.
I add one other criterion. All my alternates are adjustable. That way I get top performance when I want it but can detune it when not being used to better resist freeflows. With your rig, a G250, S600, or C300 would meet the criteria.