Hello to my fellow divers. I am new to Scubaboard and a little nervous about posting.
I certified in August of 2011 in Maui. I was so nervous, I can barely remember those first dives. I had some serious ear problems initially, so I didn't get to dive too much on that first trip. A couple of months later, my sweet hubby took me to Grand Cayman to get more experience, and finally got into double digits on my dive count! I loved diving Cayman and I did 8 dives in 10 days.
We scheduled a trip to Belize in July 2012 and I was so excited to extend my dive experience. The dive shop was great, the water was warm, the dives were amazing although the viz wasn't great... but I was a new diver and just so thrilled to be in the water. (A little side note: my husband was certified courtesy of the USN many years ago, so he a ton of dive experience and and very strict training which I get the benefit of. Also, my idea of good diving includes jumping into warm water, from a boat... basically "diva diving").
It was Belize, mid July, trip of a lifetime... and I ended up with dcs and did 2 rounds in the chamber. Devastated to say the least. Day 5 of a 17 day trip. I had no symptoms immediately, in fact, I had did another dive, returned to the condo, cleaned up my gear and it wasn't until I got into the tub I noticed a problems. Severe itching, pain in my abdomen, breast pain, severe back pain... and red itchy spots, trouble urinating. (Boy, this may be TMI for some folks, but honestly without straightforward info on this website, none of us can help anyone, right?) I was also having trouble walking, I was extremely unsteady. I had no idea what was wrong. My dive computer showed nothing. I thought I just needed to eat. Several hours later we call DAN and they directed me to go immediately for medical treatment.
DAN was AMAZING and the people at the chamber on Ambergris Caye were wonderful. Although the check of my dive computer showed no problems, but when the data was downloaded the problem was clear. An ascent too fast at the end of the dive, because I didn't have good enough buoyancy control.
I returned home and DAN helped me arrange for a complete physical with a dive physician at the hyperbaric department at UC San Diego, which is near my home. They were very helpful and did a thorough work up. After reviewing the data from my computer and the physical I was cleared to dive again. I wasted no time and was back to Maui in October.
This time things went great, I paid lots of attention to my ascent and descent rates, my bottom time, my everything.. I tried to be so meticulous. However after my 3 day of diving (2 dives per day) I noticed the itching again but that was all... absolutely NOTHING like before. No blotching, just itching. After the four day of diving (3 dives on day 4) I was exhausted. I could not believe how tired I was. The itching started again and the breast pain, but there were no red blotches. No severe pain. I was fatigued and felt a little pain in my back, but I chalked that up to getting in and out of the boat, walking up and down the stairs at the condo, etc. I felt like I KNEW what dcs felt like and this was NOT it. I took a couple of aspirin and went to bed. When I woke up the next day, I felt great. No problems.
Fast forward, it has been 4 weeks today since my last dive. I began having pain in my knee a couple of days after the last dive. I actually went to the doctor in Maui, and then to my physician last week. I have been diagnosed with bursitis in the knee. Now it almost feels like the pain is moving into the joint. I do have some intermittent tingling in my fingers, but not constant and that was problematic before this trip.
I have decided to have the test done for PFO (tomorrow is my test day) so I can rule that out as an issue. I purposely set out in Maui to dive very conservatively and I feel like I did. I stayed with 2 other dive partners and no one else had any problems. I purposely increased the time for my safety stop, and paid close attention to my computer.
I don't know if I am paranoid or an idiot for not going in for treatment. Is it paranoia or dcs??? Is it possible for the nitrogen to still be in my system after so many weeks? How concerned should I be? Gosh, I feel like a diving train wreck!! I worked so hard to get my certification (I was very cautious and somewhat reluctant and took quite awhile to get comfortable with all the gear, etc, but I want to dive so bad I refused to give up!).... I am very frustrated and concerned.
I am head over heels in love with diving, and I am determined to figure this out. Any input here would be appreciated.
I certified in August of 2011 in Maui. I was so nervous, I can barely remember those first dives. I had some serious ear problems initially, so I didn't get to dive too much on that first trip. A couple of months later, my sweet hubby took me to Grand Cayman to get more experience, and finally got into double digits on my dive count! I loved diving Cayman and I did 8 dives in 10 days.
We scheduled a trip to Belize in July 2012 and I was so excited to extend my dive experience. The dive shop was great, the water was warm, the dives were amazing although the viz wasn't great... but I was a new diver and just so thrilled to be in the water. (A little side note: my husband was certified courtesy of the USN many years ago, so he a ton of dive experience and and very strict training which I get the benefit of. Also, my idea of good diving includes jumping into warm water, from a boat... basically "diva diving").
It was Belize, mid July, trip of a lifetime... and I ended up with dcs and did 2 rounds in the chamber. Devastated to say the least. Day 5 of a 17 day trip. I had no symptoms immediately, in fact, I had did another dive, returned to the condo, cleaned up my gear and it wasn't until I got into the tub I noticed a problems. Severe itching, pain in my abdomen, breast pain, severe back pain... and red itchy spots, trouble urinating. (Boy, this may be TMI for some folks, but honestly without straightforward info on this website, none of us can help anyone, right?) I was also having trouble walking, I was extremely unsteady. I had no idea what was wrong. My dive computer showed nothing. I thought I just needed to eat. Several hours later we call DAN and they directed me to go immediately for medical treatment.
DAN was AMAZING and the people at the chamber on Ambergris Caye were wonderful. Although the check of my dive computer showed no problems, but when the data was downloaded the problem was clear. An ascent too fast at the end of the dive, because I didn't have good enough buoyancy control.
I returned home and DAN helped me arrange for a complete physical with a dive physician at the hyperbaric department at UC San Diego, which is near my home. They were very helpful and did a thorough work up. After reviewing the data from my computer and the physical I was cleared to dive again. I wasted no time and was back to Maui in October.
This time things went great, I paid lots of attention to my ascent and descent rates, my bottom time, my everything.. I tried to be so meticulous. However after my 3 day of diving (2 dives per day) I noticed the itching again but that was all... absolutely NOTHING like before. No blotching, just itching. After the four day of diving (3 dives on day 4) I was exhausted. I could not believe how tired I was. The itching started again and the breast pain, but there were no red blotches. No severe pain. I was fatigued and felt a little pain in my back, but I chalked that up to getting in and out of the boat, walking up and down the stairs at the condo, etc. I felt like I KNEW what dcs felt like and this was NOT it. I took a couple of aspirin and went to bed. When I woke up the next day, I felt great. No problems.
Fast forward, it has been 4 weeks today since my last dive. I began having pain in my knee a couple of days after the last dive. I actually went to the doctor in Maui, and then to my physician last week. I have been diagnosed with bursitis in the knee. Now it almost feels like the pain is moving into the joint. I do have some intermittent tingling in my fingers, but not constant and that was problematic before this trip.
I have decided to have the test done for PFO (tomorrow is my test day) so I can rule that out as an issue. I purposely set out in Maui to dive very conservatively and I feel like I did. I stayed with 2 other dive partners and no one else had any problems. I purposely increased the time for my safety stop, and paid close attention to my computer.
I don't know if I am paranoid or an idiot for not going in for treatment. Is it paranoia or dcs??? Is it possible for the nitrogen to still be in my system after so many weeks? How concerned should I be? Gosh, I feel like a diving train wreck!! I worked so hard to get my certification (I was very cautious and somewhat reluctant and took quite awhile to get comfortable with all the gear, etc, but I want to dive so bad I refused to give up!).... I am very frustrated and concerned.
I am head over heels in love with diving, and I am determined to figure this out. Any input here would be appreciated.