New Diver Girl

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Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area
Hi All -- I recently fell in love with diving while in the Bahamas. I am now getting PADI certified and will be be doing my open water certification soon. Looking forward to learning more about diving and do lots more of it!

By chance, has anyone dived at Stuart Cove's Dive Bahamas recently in Nassau? Lost the information of the Dive Master there that got me hooked on diving and would like to contact him to finish my PADI certification. His name is Dylan and he's Canadian with a roommate named Russell (also Canadian). I am going to be traveling abroad very soon and would like some of my dives to be in Nassau and wanted to see if I could contact him for my final certification dives. Anyone have suggestions or leads? I told him that if I ended up getting certified, I'd come back for my dives, but lost his contact info. Many thanks!
i can't help you with your contact question, but welcome to the site and i'm sure someone can help! have fun on your quest.
Hi All -- I recently fell in love with diving while in the Bahamas.

Lost the information of the Dive Master there that got me hooked on diving and would like to contact him to finish my PADI certification. His name is Dylan and he's Canadian

Sounds like diving isn't the only thing you fell in love with :D
(Just Kidding)

Welcome to ScubaBoard !

Hope you enjoy SCUBA Board, I'm sure you will have an opportunity to learn and share. I have found people to be very helpful. If I can help you feel free to contact me. I haven't dove at Stuart Cove's for a while, they have a US office that you can contact and I am sure they will get you in touch with them. (Leave a message)
Here is the contact info:

US Reservations
800-879-9832 tel: 954-524-5755 fax: 954-524-5925

All the best,

:sunny Hello bahamasita,
Welcome to SB –One of the most informative and dedicated boards on the net. You can meet a lot of helpful people here and it’s an awesome place to get answers to your questions regarding scuba diving. If you ever want to chat feel free to PM me. Take care and Safe Diving

-Matt- :palmtree:

Click here to greet a new member!
No experience needed and it feels great!
Another woman diver! Yippee!

Welcome to ScubaBoard.
Another woman diver! Yippee!

Welcome to ScubaBoard.
I'll second that "yippee"! ;)

Welcome to the board and to diving.

Hi there Girl, :)

Sounds like you did some Resort dives and got hooked, the same way I did. Welcome to ScubaBoard. Be sure to check out our New Divers forum.

And you may want to complete your profile and dive info - updating it as you progress. ;)
Welcome to the board. I have not gotten the chance to dive with Stuart's Cove, but I hope to soon. Here is a link to the Bahamas' area. Trying posting your question in there.

Click here ---->[red]Greater Caribbean & Bahamas[/red]

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