Dive Xtras has come with new electronics that are shipping on all new scooters and are available as an upgrade on all older model scooters. The new electronics module has the ability to plug into your computer and offers you the ability to program such things as:
Ramp Up Speed
Start Gear
Number of Gears
Speed of Individual Gears
Data Logging
The standard settings are 8 gears for Cuda units and 5 gears for Sierra units. However, this can be changed to up to 10 gears each or just 1 gear. If you dive mostly in gear 5, you can have your start speed be gear 5, for example. The data logging shows you what your scooter is doing the dives. You can get a chart from the software and have a visual read out.
I've included a link to a photo album with shots of the electronics on the Cuda and Sierra as well as the computer interface.
It retails for USD$460 + Tax/Shipping where applicable
Dive Xtras New Electronics - Imgur
Ramp Up Speed
Start Gear
Number of Gears
Speed of Individual Gears
Data Logging
The standard settings are 8 gears for Cuda units and 5 gears for Sierra units. However, this can be changed to up to 10 gears each or just 1 gear. If you dive mostly in gear 5, you can have your start speed be gear 5, for example. The data logging shows you what your scooter is doing the dives. You can get a chart from the software and have a visual read out.
I've included a link to a photo album with shots of the electronics on the Cuda and Sierra as well as the computer interface.
It retails for USD$460 + Tax/Shipping where applicable
Dive Xtras New Electronics - Imgur