Eric Sedletzky
I am proud to announce that we have started a new dive club up in the northern end of the state called North Coast Divers. We are a group of divers trying to develop and grow the Northern California diving community. We need all the help we can get.
The diving on the North Coast, as many of you may know, is fantastic rivaling anything else in california but many people are intimidated by the ruggedness and the lack of information on where to go or lack of people to go with. I call this phenomenon northaphobia. We are going to change all that.
Our activinties will not only bring access and awarness to people, but we will also increase the local economy up on the coast and in the local dive shops by encouraging people to dive up here.
In a few days the new website will be up and can be found at can be found at
We modelled the organization after the Sandeaters in that there are no dues or monthly meetings but rather scheduled beach dives twice a month for now and we'll see how that works and adjust accordingly.
Our first dive will be at Stillwater Cove in Sonoma County April 9th on a Sunday.
We plan to abalone dive and scuba dive, then have a picnic afterwards. We may even fry up some fresh abalone!
Everyone is welcome so if any of you Socallers just happen to be in the area please stop in. The discussion can be found on scubaboard Norcal and the title of the post is "We need a new dive club" Look at post #53.
We got up and running and organized in less than 48 hours! Truelly amazing is the power of the internet.
The diving on the North Coast, as many of you may know, is fantastic rivaling anything else in california but many people are intimidated by the ruggedness and the lack of information on where to go or lack of people to go with. I call this phenomenon northaphobia. We are going to change all that.
Our activinties will not only bring access and awarness to people, but we will also increase the local economy up on the coast and in the local dive shops by encouraging people to dive up here.
In a few days the new website will be up and can be found at can be found at
We modelled the organization after the Sandeaters in that there are no dues or monthly meetings but rather scheduled beach dives twice a month for now and we'll see how that works and adjust accordingly.
Our first dive will be at Stillwater Cove in Sonoma County April 9th on a Sunday.
We plan to abalone dive and scuba dive, then have a picnic afterwards. We may even fry up some fresh abalone!
Everyone is welcome so if any of you Socallers just happen to be in the area please stop in. The discussion can be found on scubaboard Norcal and the title of the post is "We need a new dive club" Look at post #53.
We got up and running and organized in less than 48 hours! Truelly amazing is the power of the internet.