Never done again?

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Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
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200 - 499
I got Blue Water White Death for Christmas and there is much repetition of it was something that will never be done again. I am wondering why and figuring you might know?
I got to hang with Stan Waterman for a weekend at The Georgia Dive Show in 2007. He was showing his movie then and discussed many aspects about making it etc. What is your actual question?

I think it was for the Oceanic Whitetip mob scenes. My DVD has a commentary by some of the crew including Waterman. Several times it was said that this was never going to happen again, something like that. No one will ever do this, or could ever again. Maybe I need to watch, listen again to be specific.

I am wondering why never again? It just seems unlikely no one would ever try to generate something like that. They may not, but not that they couldnÃÕ if they wanted to. Filmmakers certainly go to great lengths now days and spend extraordinary amounts of money to get what they want. And there are certainly people now luring them in with food and out swimming with them. I would think it more likely someone would to improve on it with todayÃÔ technology. I expect someone would be willing to put themselves next to a OW as it is tearing at a whale. (Close enough the shark was whacking her as it tore out the mouthfuls.) And would try to film thru the blood.

Was the number of sharks the issue that could not be repeated, if so why? There is no whaling to attract that many sharks? There arenÃÕ enough OWÃÔ left to be that many in one place?
That is all I can think of.
Also it was said none of the leftover footage was left or something. What happened to it? Degraded? Lost in a fire?
Hmmm. I have not seen the film (want to tho'). I am wondering if it has to do to the elusive trait of the oceanic whitetip. They are hard to find, and since they are a deep water pelagic shark, they are threatened by over-fishing and filming whitetips will be harder and harder to do as numbers decrease.
The goal of the trip was to film a white shark. They went to the whale carcus in S. Africa where white sharks were supposedly feeding, but it was oceanic white tips that they found. They observed the feeding from cages and it was Peter Gimbel who decided to get everyone in the water without the cage. At the time, it was believed that all species of sharks were dangerous. What they were observing and what they experienced was completely out of the norm. Who knew that 30 yrs later we would be diving freely with all mannner of species of sharks.

Okey dokey. I watched again and all the specials and looked some online. It is looking like 1 primary factor. In a matter of years, we have simply killed off 70% of the Oceanic Whitetip sharks.
Cripes, if the watching whaling portions were not bad enough.

BTW, in the Specials, the Dive into or Making of, something like that , wow! The Great White caught in the rope tossing and pulling down the cage, with one solo diver in there. Describing it can not do justice to the violence. Reenactment could not adequately convey, probably be over the top and anyway, unbelievable to divers.
Oh, and the keenly honed gianormous pig sticker that made a bit of a dent and bounced off? That was some serious pucker factor footage IMO.
What you saw was the real deal of the filming done by the group. They used that exact footage for Jaws when Hooper gets in the cage.

Ahhh, did not know that. No wonder.
Would be a bit tricky to stage that ferocity.;)
There was certainly no Hitchcockish implying, anything, and letting the viewer use their imagination. :D
The shark got caught on the rope that had a Mule leg attatched to the cage. When the guys came up, it was a joke to Peter, that there wasn't much of his cage left! Peter had funded the entire trip. Stan was in the other cage and shot the footage of what happened. He said it was a crazy moment and in all reality they were terrified how it happened! But what a rush!


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