OK, I want to provide some firsthand experience with a neoprene allergy. For 7 years, I was a diver in the U.S. Navy. Of course, we wore neoprene wetsuits on almost every dive. BTW, I was 19 when I started diving and dove last when I was 28. During that period -- I had no allergy to neoprene! Oddly enough, as I have gotten older - now 38 - I have developed allergies to pollen, some foods, and neoprene. How I discovered the neoprene allergy was interesting. From what seemed out of nowhere, I began getting a rash on my face, arms, legs, and hives in other general areas. The doctor performed a thorough work up, but wasn't able to locate that irritant. One day, I got rid of these old neoprene pads I had on my office desk to rest my elbows upon -- and like a miracle from heaven the rasj disappeard. To confirm, I reintroduced the pads to my skin, and the rash returned.