Nekton pilot

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Went too Belize and dove with the crew of the Nekton Pilot.We were lucky enough to choose a slow week for the dive season and we found ourselves on the dive boat doubled by the crews numbers.Six passengers with twelve crew members.It was great and they treated us fabulously.I found the crew very professional , friendly , knowledgeable , and very experienced.We all have dove together several times at various locations and this by far was the best trip yet.I am planning another trip with this crew to lower Bahama's already even though I have only been home a week.The Captain Grant looks like Captain Ron,The cook is great and serves tremendous meals,and the steward treats you as if you are family.Everyone on the boat are qualified dive instuctor and in most cases dive masters.I only dive once a year during a company provided trip offered to foremans and General foremans.It is great to know that you can enjoy yourselves safely while being on a vacation.I highly recommend this trip to Central Belize on a liveaboard boat.Old Belize leaves alot to be desired and even though the people are quite friendly for the most part, there are only a few places you can go during day time and even fewer after dark.Prices are reasonable and the food at the marina restaurants are great.The dive sights are great for all levels of diving.You can dive the wall to 130 foot plus or stay at a modest depth of 45 feet. Book a trip , you will love it !!!!!!
What a relief to find someone praising this boat instead of trashing it!

You'll find we have pretty good diving from our local dive boats as well. Just get away from Belize City as fast as you can!
Welcome to the board. What a wonderful LOB trip you had to Belize....
Sounds like a great time . I'm thinking of taking a group on the Nekton Pilot. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Nice to see a good review for Nekton
I'm glad to hear your praise report. I just met someone who just returned from belize. She told me that the captain had a drinking problem, and appeared to be 'stoned' when she arrived on the boat. Maybe she had a bad trip in Belize, but I'm quite concerned about going. I've been reading about the crew member who was killed, the tender boat catching fire, and all kinds of reports of bugs and mechanical problems with the boat. Do you think this is all just gossip, or should it be taken seriously? On the one side I see praise and the other side I see disappointment. I have to make a decision soon.

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